A Conversation for Nigel's Gardening Hints and Tips


Post 1


Thanks Nigel,

Now I know what happened to my tulips a while ago. I wondered where they had gonesmiley - doh

Tulips are wonderful in a big show in parks, but I have found them a bit of a disappointment in my garden, but then I don't suppose I looked after them properly. Perhaps I might try again now.

smiley - cheers

Websailor smiley - dragon


Post 2

Nigel *ACE*

I'm glad you enjoyed reading my post, will be reading yours later which as always sure to enjoy smiley - smiley.

Squirrels can be a pain with bulbs. I have actually stopped growing Tulips because I just keep getting them dug up and stolen smiley - sadface. The squirrels run down the garden with them in their mouth, must be a lot stored somewhere.

smiley - cheers

Nigel smiley - hug


Post 3


I have the same problem with squirrels here. Every last one was snaffled by squirrels and rabbits. smiley - grr I don't grow them anymore. smiley - erm


Post 4

Nigel *ACE*

Hi Venus *waves*,

I am smiley - sorry for not being in contact much recently through the other posts.

My new shiny computer gave up the smiley - ghost, honestly, in a puff of smoke and it swiftly had to go back to the shop where I brought it from smiley - wah.

They gave me a shiny new one which I love to bits smiley - ok. I am slowly putting all of my files and photo's back onto it smiley - grr.

Then my glasses broke and they have had to go back to the shop today. Apparently the frames are faulty at manufacture and so I am waiting for some more to be sent over to the opticians, hopefully by the end of next week smiley - bigeyes.
I will have to zoom everything in on the computer for the time being smiley - smiley.

I was given a higher dose of medication to control my panic attacks and have had problems keeping my eyes open smiley - sadface. I am trying to adjust the balance so it suits me and I don't feel so smiley - zzz during the day.

I am slowly catching up on all the missed posts and are enjoying reading them, without my glasses and my nose pressed against the screen smiley - laugh.

Take care.

smiley - hug

Nigel smiley - cheers


Post 5


So you will have a flat nose next time I see you?! smiley - biggrin

Websailor smiley - dragon


Post 6

Nigel *ACE*

Looks that way smiley - laugh

smiley - hug


Post 7


Blimey Nigel, what did you do to upset the bad-luck fairy? smiley - yikes

I have just paid out for some new glasses, which i will collect next week. I'm then going to put them in a safe as they cost so much smiley - yikes can't risk wearing something that i almost need a mortgage to pay for smiley - laugh

Hope to hear from you when you're feeling better and able to read without your nose pressed to the screen smiley - laugh


Post 8

Nigel *ACE*

Hi Venus smiley - biggrin,

I hope you have got your glasses okay and are getting used to them smiley - ok.

They are very expensive and to go back to the opticians to have them fitted and watching them twist and bend them to fit is very scary smiley - yikes.

Eyes are important though and luckily don't need glasses every 6 months.

Take care.
Nigel smiley - hug

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