A Conversation for What the ....... ?

Edited Guide Writing Workshop: A29466787 - What the ....... ?

Post 1

Tibley Bobley

Entry: What the ....... ? - A29466787
Author: Tibley Bobley - U170471

I don't know what you'd call this. It's the result of a sudden silly thought I had about being buffeted about by life and not knowing what's going on or why?

Please tell me what you think - if it's not too rudesmiley - winkeye

Edited Guide Writing Workshop: A29466787 - What the ....... ?

Post 2


I like it. And feel awefull sorry for the poor ball, for some reason.smiley - winkeye

One thing, should this not be for the Underguide, rather than the Edited Guide, since it's more fiction, than factual?smiley - smiley

Edited Guide Writing Workshop: A29466787 - What the ....... ?

Post 3

Tibley Bobley

Thank you P&G (if you don't mind the shortening). I meant to submit it to the AWW but forgot to choose from the drop-down list before clicking send. It automatically went to EGWW for some reason. I removed it immediately and resent it to the AWW. So, not to worry. It's not cluttering up the wrong place. Good of you to noticesmiley - smiley

Edited Guide Writing Workshop: A29466787 - What the ....... ?

Post 4

Skankyrich [?]

I noticed but on reading it saw that you'd put it into AWW, and decided not to trouble you further smiley - winkeye

Edited Guide Writing Workshop: A29466787 - What the ....... ?

Post 5


Hi Tibily

20154070 h2g2 Book Club

There is a forum here to publish short stories you might be interested.

I hope its of interest smiley - biggrin

Edited Guide Writing Workshop: A29466787 - What the ....... ?

Post 6

lil ~ Auntie Giggles with added login ~ returned

Make that A20154070

smiley - winkeye

Edited Guide Writing Workshop: A29466787 - What the ....... ?

Post 7

Tibley Bobley

Well, goodness gracious mesmiley - biggrin What an alert bunch of researchers you are! Talk about being "on the ball"! I whipped it out of there so quickly, I didn't think anyone would notice. Never under-estimate the wide-awake eagerness and ready for action alertness of hootoo researcherssmiley - laugh

Thank you folks.

And I'll check out the h2g2 Book Clubsmiley - smiley

Edited Guide Writing Workshop: A29466787 - What the ....... ?

Post 8

Skankyrich [?]

I think you exaggerate my talent and dedication, Tibley. I'm just subscribed to the Workshop, that's all smiley - winkeye

Edited Guide Writing Workshop: A29466787 - What the ....... ?

Post 9

Tibley Bobley

But Rich, I posted it there accidentally and spotted my error straight away. It could only have been in there a couple of seconds before I removed it. Did it still show up in the workshop even after I'd removed it?

Edited Guide Writing Workshop: A29466787 - What the ....... ?

Post 10

Skankyrich [?]

As I'm subscribed, as soon as you put it in to the forum the thread was added to my PS. It wouldn't matter how long you put it in for, as the notification is automatic smiley - smiley

Edited Guide Writing Workshop: A29466787 - What the ....... ?

Post 11

Tibley Bobley

Oh. That makes sense now. Of course. I haven't subscribed to anything so things like that don't pop up on my page. Didn't occur to me. Silly mesmiley - silly

Edited Guide Writing Workshop: A29466787 - What the ....... ?

Post 12


I have the opposite problem...I can't remember which forums I've subscribed to!smiley - erm

It popped up on my PS with the words Edited Guide at the beginning, and I don't think the change to AWW registered with me...so probably my bad.smiley - tongueout

Edited Guide Writing Workshop: A29466787 - What the ....... ?

Post 13


Don't go complementing Skanky, you'll only inflate his ego further.

Just because he's good at Scrabble...

Edited Guide Writing Workshop: A29466787 - What the ....... ?

Post 14

Skankyrich [?]

I would modestly say that I'm not that good at scrabble, but that would imply that anyone I manage to beat isn't. So I'll take the compliment and agree that I am a indeed wonderful Scrabble player with a certain tactical nous and an excellent vocabulary.

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