A Conversation for The h2g2 Poem


Post 1

Dr Anthea - ah who needs to learn things... just google it!

some poets are so cute
there advance i shall not rebuck
but though he is so sweet
i shall not worship at his feet
he be smart and full of honor
even though his names not connor
i love him for what he is
even if he makes me fizz
i wish he would accept me
for the person i might be
but he thinks i'm ill at ease
with the world when i would him please


Post 2


you are what you do
do something what you are
let him not go awayfrom you
keep him close to your heart
if he has gone away
lose no time ,call him back
before too late he gone far


Post 3


This poet you talk about I do not know
but follow your heart or to stow?
the question is a big one
but once made it will be gone
I accept you for who you are
please never stray too far
from the thinbgs you hold dear
soon we will be near


Post 4

Dr Anthea - ah who needs to learn things... just google it!

oh dear poet i know its true
but also i know that i love you
will you let it be?
or will you cast me free?
i would fly or sail, run or walk
to be beside you on a rock
but then again it matters not
if some plans do go to pot
then again it may not be
we shall have to wait and see


Post 5


Oh little one be not glum
for somedays I am rather dumb
I know you love me, I doubt it not
I wish I could tell you if I was cold or hot
I will aways be here any way
if you need me any day
I can't say much more than that here
I wil tell you later this year


Post 6

Dr Anthea - ah who needs to learn things... just google it!

just know that it will matter little
for the world is very fickle
it matters not to what you are
of your choice to traval far
the world i once dreamed to see
but some things matter more to me
friendship and love i cannot do without
but for me you must not pout
for you see whats done is done
all we need is to live and have fun


Post 7


I too wish to travel far away
but only for a short day
it might be closer to two years
I will miss the whisper in my ears
I have spoken to you many a day
I will miss you when you are away


Post 8

Dr Anthea - ah who needs to learn things... just google it!

i will miss you also
but it will not be so far to go
six weeks till i be out of bace
then maybe to look upon your face
three years in manchester yes i think
it will take me to the brink
then four more somewhere else
after that i'm free to health


Post 9


what if your health it does take?
I really don't want to see you break
to smash upon the floor
or go running out the door
Do not be scared if you fail
one day you will make it a happy tale
But this may not be
for the future I cannot see


Post 10

Dr Anthea - ah who needs to learn things... just google it!

if the future you could see
would you still let me be
if you thought you did know
where my futute aught to go
if in happyness we could sit
and maybe talk over it
then would you be calmer then
or lock me up in a pen


Post 11


If the future I could see
then how could I not let it be?
but the future ist not set
and so upon it so not fret
you should have a holiday
and forget your problems for another day


Post 12

Dr Anthea - ah who needs to learn things... just google it!

if my problems i could loose
i would need to fix the fuse
for alas the lid would blow
the exess presure it would go
someday i shall settle down
without a grown without a frown
but that day is not yet
and the date it is not set


Post 13


do not worry about dates or years
for that will cause a few tears
I know you have had alarm
but I want to help you calm
I will be here when you are blue
and I would try and comfort you
but tomorrow you will soend time with gran
I'm sure one day there will be another man


Post 14

Dr Anthea - ah who needs to learn things... just google it!

it sounds like you wish to send me away
well i say i shall not go today
if you want us to split
then i shall go and say no more of it
for its you i wish to please
but first i will sail the seas,
no other man shall take my heart
unless you tear it apart


Post 15


I don't wish for you to go away
or even where unhappy stay
I don't want to break your heart
My mind it will never start
I worry about you on the seas
if there no one would here your pleas
I will not tear it assunder
though I may just make a blunder


Post 16

Dr Anthea - ah who needs to learn things... just google it!

i would stay if i could
dont fell misunderstood
your heart may beat once or twice
somethingsomething something rice....?
the sea may be nice you never know
pritty colours too and frow
i am sure you would here my shout
i would stop to talk to you
even if i dont know what to do


Post 17


please talk to me my dear
for we are not close I fear
you try and run away
I try and convince you to stay
I feel like I'm I'm dejected
cos my advice you rejected


Post 18

Dr Anthea - ah who needs to learn things... just google it!

I would take your advice if you
could tell me something else to do
I would gladly stay you see
and sit upon your lap at tea


Post 19


I have told you once
I have told you twice
maybe even more than thrice
I can't think of something for you to do
even if I did I couldn't force you to
why would you sit on my lap dear
its not just that you wish to be near
do you waant to be a mum already?
watching them with a teddy


Post 20

Dr Anthea - ah who needs to learn things... just google it!

well its one way not to go to sea
though a better one there must be
I think kids are cute thats true
but its not something i want to do
in the future maybe then
i could keep them in a pen
full of love and care maybe
but in future days we'd wait and see,
I ment only that
its more comfortable than a mat
you see my dear i love you such
but even now you ask too much
worry not about those things
or what the future brings

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