A Conversation for Bolle's Berliner Buletten Bude (Inh. AXR)

PPP at B`sBBB (änglish version)

Post 101

ringo (it's not all right)

well, Julio is a friendly bloke as well, the problem was - he was HUNGRY. But I think it will take quite a while, 'til he gets hungry again.
*stares at the sandwich*
what does it taste like? I made some curious experiences with sandwiches smiley - winkeye

PPP at B`sBBB (änglish version)

Post 102

Arutha( patron saint of personal magnetism )

ZHmmm Don't really know, what's in there is jopped up into slices and it's tasting a little bit sauer, and when I touch it it's like rubber.

PPP at B`sBBB (änglish version)

Post 103

ringo (it's not all right)

oh, that's pretty usual, might be hampster

PPP at B`sBBB (änglish version)

Post 104

AXR (empty)

btw ... I updated the entry (just a bit) and used TC description for our english guests smiley - smiley

PPP at B`sBBB (änglish version)

Post 105

Arutha( patron saint of personal magnetism )

I don't know, even when sliced up it just ran out of mu sandwich, maybe I should just get a drink and leave the sandwiches for someone that apreciates them.

PPP at B`sBBB (änglish version)

Post 106

AXR (empty)

... somebody has seen my left shoe?

PPP at B`sBBB (änglish version)

Post 107

Arutha( patron saint of personal magnetism )

I thought I saw it next to the big purple dog in the corner all chewed up and mooshy.

PPP at B`sBBB (änglish version)

Post 108

ringo (it's not all right)

A drink's always a brilliant idea ! anything special? smiley - smiley

er...AXR, I actually see a lot of things but your left shoe...?
maybe some kind of scratched stockings will do it as well ?

PPP at B`sBBB (änglish version)

Post 109

AXR (empty)

oh no ... the dog had the right one ... the left one I put at the bar near the fridge and the sandwich toaster ... where the dog cann't reach it.
but now, it's gone - and I liked them, you know this kind of sport sandals you need for every pool ......

PPP at B`sBBB (änglish version)

Post 110

Arutha( patron saint of personal magnetism )

I would lend you mine but they are still drying by the fireplace from that purple rain outside(that now seems to have stopped)

NOw I'm really thinking what was in my sandwich caus I'm afraid I ate your left shoe partially. Sorry HIk.

PPP at B`sBBB (änglish version)

Post 111

ringo (it's not all right)

I told you to be careful. But it might have been worse...it could have been his pants, hehe smiley - winkeye

PPP at B`sBBB (änglish version)

Post 112

Arutha( patron saint of personal magnetism )

Yeah, but I think I eould have noticed that, that prob. would have tasted like beer or something caus of everything spilled.

I think I will have a Shooter, wandering what kind of move that will be for the machine.

PPP at B`sBBB (änglish version)

Post 113

ringo (it's not all right)

*observes the scene with great expectations*

PPP at B`sBBB (änglish version)

Post 114

Arutha( patron saint of personal magnetism )

*walks over to the machine and does a strange jump with either hands and feet*

Nop wrong one now I just got the tequilla.

*MAkes a jump with his feet and does a hand move that was so fast nobody had seen it*

This is better a nice shooter. Well cheers.

PPP at B`sBBB (änglish version)

Post 115

ringo (it's not all right)

I'm deeply impressed !
*puts himself in font of the machine (sorry, I fotgot its name already) - strokes his stomach - shazam - there is a Long Island Ice Tea
Hey, that was easy smiley - winkeye

PPP at B`sBBB (änglish version)

Post 116

Kasia, P.S. of Syncopation,Muse of Classic Goo Fans, Keeper of Rainbows, Zaphodista (visit Crossed Purposes Pub: A429310)

Magic-Coffee-Machine is the name, Ringo!

I see, you are eating the Charlie-Chaplin-way, Arutha.

*Kasia makes herself a sandwich, watcing carefully what's in it*

PPP at B`sBBB (änglish version)

Post 117

ringo (it's not all right)

Hah, everyone tries to be careful with sandwiches, but dos it help?Sometimes I think sandwiches are just weird...

PPP at B`sBBB (änglish version)

Post 118

Arutha( patron saint of personal magnetism )

Yah there weord but with the good ingredients there the best, so I think it's worth the risk.

PPP at B`sBBB (änglish version)

Post 119

ringo (it's not all right)

*wraps his arms tightly round the bar*
...er, Arutha, is it possible that I feel a gravitational pull to you?
gosh, this never happened to me before, just like a magnet

PPP at B`sBBB (änglish version)

Post 120

Arutha( patron saint of personal magnetism )

Oh I'm sorry It's just that I havened quite adapted to those new things, Don't worry I'll try to find a way to make mydself not so "atractive"

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