A Conversation for The Cranky Gardener

Another thing about ponds...

Post 1

LL Waz

sometimes it's a good idea not to have them too close to the drive smiley - bigeyes

Good to see our Cranky Gardener back.

Another thing about ponds...

Post 2


That's true, Waz. Wouldn't want to drive off into it. smiley - yikes

What I really want is a waterfall. My brother-in-law made my sister one. smiley - envy But my yard is flat, so the high parts would have to be built up. She has a natural slope. smiley - sigh

But apart fromt he waterfall, I prefer my yard to theirs. For one thing, I have 3 times as much room to play with. smiley - biggrin


Another thing about ponds...

Post 3


My ponds are very tiny because I didn't want to do lots of digging. One of them dries out in the hot weather. smiley - cross

Another thing about ponds...

Post 4


instead of digging if artificial plastic one is fitted then ?

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