A Conversation for The Cranky Gardener
Blackberry recipe
Caractacus Started conversation Aug 12, 2004
I guess you don't use ounces much since the first measure is cups. Note the quantity of sugar should probably read 8oz not 2oz if the quantity in grams is accurate and 1cup=8oz is right.
No blackberries ripe near me (yet)
Blackberry recipe
Post Team Posted Aug 12, 2004
Oops! My mistake.
Hyp is in the USA so only sends over the recipe ingredients in cups. I use a wonderful conversion table online to check out the correct grammes and ounces but my finger must have slipped when entering the sugar amount in ounces.
It is amended now and
Blackberry recipe
Hypatia Posted Aug 12, 2004
Measurements seem much simpler in the US. I'm glad we didn't go metric with the rest of the world.
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Blackberry recipe
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