A Conversation for The Northern Territory

Nice place. Want to visit.

Post 1


The Northern Territory. A very beautiful and quite crazy part of the world. On the telly I saw the mayor turn up to a press conference in singlet and shorts. Ahh Darwin! I shall always love you from afar (well, from Brisbane anyway).

Nice place. Want to visit.

Post 2

Krusty the Clown

When I lived in Darwin you could get into most nightclubs in singlet, shorts and thongs. It is or at least was the national dress. That was ten years ago and I believe it has changed ( which is a shame.)

Nice place. Want to visit.

Post 3


That's a pity. Billy Connelly once described Darwin as one of those places "on the edge" (I suppose he means on the outskirts) where everyone does what they bloody well like and if outsiders don't like it they can sod off. It would be a pity if that has changed.
(Actually that sounds like a description of Australia compared to the rest of the world).

Some things never change

Post 4


Well that hasnt changed! I can assure you of that!
Although I'm pretty sure you have to wear more than just a singlet, thongs and stubbies to get into some pubs.
Not that it stops many people.
And, I'd just like to point out: Humpty Doo (yes, yes really is a place called Humpty Doo) is the Beer drinking Capital of the World. *g*
Guess what their hobbies are!

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