A Conversation for Australian TV Shows

Home and Away

Post 1


I suppose with my researcher name I would just have to talk about H&A wouldn't I!!smiley - biggrin
Summer Bay is actually Palm Beach. It is about a 1 and a half hour drive from central Sydney along the coast road. The home of many of Sydney's richest, Palm Beach is all you ever imagined Australia to be. You can visit the 'surf club' and the famous grassy tinged walk down to the beach. Filming takes place early in the morning, and during winter (July -August) it is freezing!!
As to the programme itself. More happens in a week of H&A than in a month of Neighbours! In Australia H&A annihilates Neighbours in the ratings. Channel 10 have admitted that it is only overseas sales that have stopped Neighbours being scrapped.
I'm going to do an entry on H&A in the near future, but I'll concentrate on the production etc rather than tell non converts about 15 years of storylines. Personally I love it, even though I know that it is somewhat frowned upon by people!smiley - laugh Everyone needs tv to relax to and this is mine!

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Home and Away

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