A Conversation for Garibaldi's Trips & Cruises

Garubaldi's Boat Cruise

Post 41


*goes a whiter shade of bright blue*
smiley - fish

Garubaldi's Boat Cruise

Post 42


Hey! Cut that out! Stop trying to nobble Coely before she has even started the dare!
shazz smiley - winkeye

Garubaldi's Boat Cruise

Post 43

Doctor John (Patron Saint and Village Physician)

I've got my money on the Falls. And I wasn't really trying to nobble Coely; I was just offering a cI_I or 2 of anaesthetic so that she doesn't fell any pain as she's dashed to pieces on the rocks below! smiley - smiley

Garubaldi's Boat Cruise

Post 44


Would that be sushi sized pieces? At least some people have faith.
I'm going to swim ahead. I've heard there's something to be seen at:

Garubaldi's Boat Cruise

Post 45


*monsy closes her eyes as the sight of blood tends to make her woosy*
monsy smiley - fish

Garibaldi's Boat Cruise

Post 46

Garibaldi - Patented Mr G party at F14181?thread=256534

ARGH!!! Who spelt my name wrong. That's it, I'm closing this place down....

What? It was me. And shame on none of you saying anything. ARGH!!!!

Garibaldi's Boat Cruise

Post 47


Me thought we were all being jolly kind not mentioning the subject... ~grin~... here Gari.... sit down and have a... oh my gosh... ME nearly gave you doughnut then...

Garibaldi's Boat Cruise

Post 48


hehehehe! Sorry Garibaldi! I of course noticed but was far too polite to mention it! On the other hand it does mean that we know which actual forum it is, and don't become confused with the old thread smiley - smiley
shazz smiley - winkeye

Garibaldi's Boat Cruise

Post 49

Garibaldi - Patented Mr G party at F14181?thread=256534

Oh that is true Shazz, thanks for pointing that out.

Garibaldi's Boat Cruise

Post 50


Is it only a week ago since I did it? I hope you've had a chance to look at the action replay. We're off to the ballroom at the Sheraton now. Please join us, and put on your finest attire.
You can dance with anyone, or be in the band.
smiley - fish

Garibaldi's Boat Cruise

Post 51

Garibaldi - Patented Mr G party at F14181?thread=256534

Um Coley, I went intot he Galley, and well I think you should be careful of Shazz I think she has been up to no goood

Garibaldi's Boat Cruise

Post 52


shazz? up to now good? whatever would give you that idea? smiley - winkeye
monsy smiley - fish

Garibaldi's Boat Cruise

Post 53

Garibaldi - Patented Mr G party at F14181?thread=256534

Mention of blue carrot juice.... Hmmm

Garibaldi's Boat Cruise

Post 54


Is that "Sushi Juice"!?


Garibaldi's Boat Cruise

Post 55


EEK! I hope not.
smiley - fish

Garibaldi's Boat Cruise

Post 56


Thats' understandable, C!!!!!smiley - winkeye


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