A Conversation for The Life of Abraham Lincoln - 16th President of the United States

Peer Review: A2861345 - The Life of Abraham Lincoln - 16th President of the United States

Post 1


Entry: The Life of Abraham Lincoln - 16th President of the United States - A2861345
Author: Jodan - Go here. A2773866 Have I ever steered you wrong? - U201497

Hullo sirs and madames.
I've fixed up a three point project on Abraham Lincoln. The other two parts are-

A2879931 Legacy of Lincoln
A2879922 Death of Lincoln

I reckon they're ready for PR. And sorry this is so long smiley - erm Anyway, I'm ready for PRing. Hit me with all you've got.

smiley - blacksheep

A2861345 - The Life of Abraham Lincoln - 16th President of the United States

Post 2

BigAl Patron Saint of Left Handers Keeper of the Glowing Pickle and Monobrows

Ref Lincoln's physical characteristics (tall, gangly), an article in 'Nature' some years ago speculated that he may have suffered from Marfan Syndrome. This is a little known genetic disease which affects the connective tissues. Sufferers are usually tall and thin, with large hands and feet. It can sometimmes affect the eyes and heart.

I can try and locate my information if you're interested.

In Britain there is a Marfan Association.
smiley - biggrin BIGAL

A2861345 - The Life of Abraham Lincoln - 16th President of the United States

Post 3


I've heard, that, but I didn't put it on on purpose, because I didn't get any good sources. smiley - erm If you find one, I'll be glad to put it in smiley - ok

smiley - blacksheep

A2861345 - The Life of Abraham Lincoln - 16th President of the United States

Post 4

BigAl Patron Saint of Left Handers Keeper of the Glowing Pickle and Monobrows

smiley - ok I'll try to dig it out.

smiley - biggrin BIGAL

A2861345 - The Life of Abraham Lincoln - 16th President of the United States

Post 5

BigAl Patron Saint of Left Handers Keeper of the Glowing Pickle and Monobrows

The access to my original notes on this is a bit difficult. However, here are a couple of web sites:



This latter contains a reference to a paper in 'Nature', but I'm not sure if it's the same article I had in mind.

If I were you, I would include a para to the effect of, "There is a school of thought that.............. but this is unproven". Then include some hyperlinks.

(In order to be certain , scientists would either have to exhume his body to collect tissue for DNA analysis, or collect material from living descendants. To my knowledge this has not been done).

I would like to see this info in youyr article to give me something convenient to refer to; as you can tell, I'm having difficulty accessing the info that I know I've got. I think I did dig it out a couple of years ago for the interest/self esteem of a girl I was teachingh teaching who had Marfans.

smiley - biggrin BIGAL

A2861345 - The Life of Abraham Lincoln - 16th President of the United States

Post 6

Smij - Formerly Jimster

Of course, the problem with this theory is that is, without proper testing it's pure conjecture and so not really appropriate for an Edited Guide entry (although it could always be posted beneath the entry as a comment once it's in the Edited Guide).

I'd really like to see a separate entry on Marfan's Syndrome in the Edited Guide. It killed a dear friend of mine as he grew too big for his internal organs to cope with and he suffered a massive heart attack. There's an unedited entry at A549001 that could do with adopting, if you fancy it BigAl?

Sorry to interrupt, Jodan. Good to see the presidents series continuing nicely smiley - smiley

A2861345 - The Life of Abraham Lincoln - 16th President of the United States

Post 7

BigAl Patron Saint of Left Handers Keeper of the Glowing Pickle and Monobrows

smiley - ta Jimster. I'll have a look at that and perhaps polish it up for editing. (I seem to be accumulating loads to write at the moment).

I still think it's legitamate to io include things that are unproven into the EG, provided one states categorically that this is the case. i.e. its still under seriouys scientific evaluation, because I'm sure that readers would be interested to know that such a theory exists, and then they're given some hyperlinks to enable them to do their own research and evaluate for themselves what the probability is. i.e. it is a fact that some scientists believe that Lincoln could have had Marfan Disease, and so research is ongoing.

smiley - biggrin

A2861345 - The Life of Abraham Lincoln - 16th President of the United States

Post 8


Hi both.

I think I can put in a footnote or paragraph saying that some people think this. We've got plenty of entries that are made up of theories. Besides, it stands to reason. smiley - smiley

smiley - blacksheep

A2861345 - The Life of Abraham Lincoln - 16th President of the United States

Post 9


It's me again - having read about Lincoln' assassination, thought I better look at the other two!

Again, for your consideration (and typos):-

in the middle of a thick forrest > in the middle of a thick forest

and to be able to have a harvest, the trees had to be cut down >
and to be able to plant a crop, the trees had to be cut down

Sarah had to take the duties of her mother as well as she could. But without a female figure, the winter was cold and hard. > Sarah had to take the duties of her mother as well as she could, but without an adult female figure, the winter was cold and hard.

of an outbreak in milk sickness ?? Do we know what disease this was, as his mother died of it as well?

He decided to enter a partnership with a man he served with in the Black Hawk War > He decided to enter into partnership with a man he served with in the Black Hawk War

The Kansas Nebraska Act repealed > The Kansas-Nebraska Act repealed

Lincoln joined the Republicans in 1856, and spoke the Illinois state convention that year. > Lincoln joined the Republicans in 1856, and spoke at the Illinois state convention that year.

with his now famous ?House Divided? speech - As a humble Brit by education and upbringing, which speech was this?

but do to various complications in the electoral process, > but due to various complications in the electoral process,

finally act for the preservation of the slavery. > finally act for the preservation of slavery.

but at that time the period last from the election until March > but at that time the period lasted from the election until March

joined the Confederacy, with the latter two states being especially reluctant or ambivalent on joining the Confederacy. > joined the Confederacy, with the latter two states being especially reluctant or ambivalent on joining.

He left Springfield on 11 February, 1861 > Lincoln left Springfield on 11 February, 1861 (last person mentioned was Alexander Stephens as vice-president)

The Battle of Antietam, or Sharpsburg which the Union won 17 September, 1862 gave Lincoln good circumstances. > The Battle of Antietam, or Sharpsburg, which the Union won 17 September, 1862, gave Lincoln good circumstances.

Despite it?s historical significance, > Despite its historical significance,

John Fremont, he he withdrew shortly before the election. > John Fremont, he withdrew shortly before the election.

and an investigation was made about a conspiracy to kill Lincoln. > and an investigation was made into the conspiracy to kill Lincoln.

Should keep you busy for a while! Whist I will pop off and look at the legacy - when I have time.

smiley - cheers


A2861345 - The Life of Abraham Lincoln - 16th President of the United States

Post 10

BigAl Patron Saint of Left Handers Keeper of the Glowing Pickle and Monobrows

Hi Jodan and Jimster,

Just to let you know that I've started to put together my article on Marfan Syndrome, having hijacked the non-Edited one produced by Merseybeast in 2001. He doesn't seem to be around anymore as he hasn't posted since 2001; however, I've left a message on his Space.

My article is at A2912573

smiley - cheerssmiley - biggrin BIGAL

A2861345 - The Life of Abraham Lincoln - 16th President of the United States

Post 11



"and an investigation was made about a conspiracy to kill Lincoln. > and an investigation was made into the conspiracy to kill Lincoln."

Well, it wasn't proven that Lincoln's death was the result of a conspiracy when the investigation started, so the word 'the' isn't appropriate (I think, anyway).

"with his now famous ?House Divided? speech - As a humble Brit by education and upbringing, which speech was this?"

Well. It said a little bit about what it's about. And the opening quote (now attributed) is the most famous part of the speech.

I did the rest, m'lud. smiley - smiley

Looks good, BIGAL

smiley - blacksheep

A2861345 - The Life of Abraham Lincoln - 16th President of the United States

Post 12


Hi Jodan! smiley - smiley

I read through the article. Good job! smiley - applause

I've only found a few things to nit-pick, mostly with sentence structure and typos.

In the Illinois section, the last sentence. "...and left his family, which moved to Coles County after he left and stayed there. And thus, Lincoln began life on his own for the first time." This is a little awkward. Maybe try something like "...And stayed behind after his family moved to Coles County, starting life on his own."

Politics Again, first paragraph,"A nomination is his district..." Is this a typo?

Politics Again, second paragraph, "Lincoln spoke out against President James Polk for the Mexican War- something that would be unpopular in his district, which was ending as he took office." This sentence is a little confusing. Grammatically, it's like the district is ending and not the war!

Other than that, no problems!

A2861345 - The Life of Abraham Lincoln - 16th President of the United States

Post 13


Those look like sound nitpicks. They're all changed (maybe not the way you suggested, but I think they're fine)

smiley - ok

smiley - blacksheep

A2861345 - The Life of Abraham Lincoln - 16th President of the United States

Post 14

Jimi X

No link to the Gettysburg Address entry? A306965

A2861345 - The Life of Abraham Lincoln - 16th President of the United States

Post 15


smiley - doh

There will be one soon... smiley - run

smiley - blacksheep

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Post 16

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Post 17


smiley - bubbly Congratters


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Post 18

BigAl Patron Saint of Left Handers Keeper of the Glowing Pickle and Monobrows

Well done Jodan

smiley - applausesmiley - bubbly

smiley - biggrin

Congratulations - Your Entry has been Picked for the Edited Guide!

Post 19


Thank y'all smiley - smiley

Congratulations - Your Entry has been Picked for the Edited Guide!

Post 20


Well, looks like I'm a little late, but congratulations! This was really a fantastic entry, and it filled a hole that needed to be plugged!

smiley - bubbly

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