A Conversation for H2G2 Space Centre
*incoming off-world activation*
Robert Started conversation Jun 10, 2002
*the large Stargate occuping one of the Transport Room walls suddenly activates itself and starts turning dials*
(TR Intercom) Security team to Transport Room 1. Incoming Stargate Offworld Activation.
*as machine-gun carrying soldiers get into position in front of the Stargate, Axe walks out, looking slightly confused*
, hello. I don't think this is the Starpilot Hotel, is it? Must have got lost again
Oh, those guns look very real...
*holds up his ID card, which shows that he is, amongst other things, a Sub-editor and therefore protected under trans-dimensional h2g2 Law from being shot at whilst lost and wandering through Stargates*
Sorry about that. Anyway, where's the nearest payphone?
*incoming off-world activation*
Yowuzupman- New Top Speed 122 (thats mph you metric fools) Posted Jun 22, 2002
[Security guard] uhhh, down the corner 3rd left on your right.......
*incoming off-world activation*
Robert Posted Jun 23, 2002
Thanks .
*walks off in a completly different direction and finds the phone*
*swipes his payphone card and starts dialling*
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*incoming off-world activation*
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