A Conversation for Tool - the Band


Post 1


I think that AEnima is definitely Tool's best album. It's a lot more organic, filthy, and rock'n'roll...Lateralus is clean shiny metal, antiseptic.


Post 2


I disagree, although Aenima is an incredible album. Aenima is more rock-n-roll, yeah. I don't know what it is about Lateralus. All the songs work so well together. The Triad (i.e. Disposition, Reflection, and Triad) makes the hairs on the back of my neck stand up. The album just seems more real to me. If I'm looking for a jam session, I turn to Aenima and Undertow. Lateralus is a more relaxing album. Not that Aenima is shallow. There is a lot of depth to the album, I just like Lateralus better. To each his own, I guess.


Post 3


Lateralus was the first album I bought from Tool and therefore I have alota deep rooted feelings for the album. It true what you say, its as if they matured into a more slow and rhythmic band when compared to previous albums. I love Anemia and Undertow for what they are. Its just very influential to see how they matured over the space of 3 albums. I cant wait to see what their new album will be like. I?m thinking it will be harder again cause with Maynard doing APC I?m sure he?ll want to rock out a bit.


Post 4


Well, he was doing APC when Lat was released, so I don't really think it'll influence that much. It'll be intriguing to hear their next album...they've progressed with each one.


Post 5


I'm not sure there will be all that much influence. They, the two bands, are two different kids. I'm not so sure I want it to go too much heavier. I like Maynard's voice too much for him to scream the entire album. I suppose I'll just have to wait for the album to come out.

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