A Conversation for Tool - the Band

Peer Review: A2810963 - Tool

Post 1


Entry: Tool - A2810963
Author: Nachtduivel - U518720

I thought I'd write a Tool page. They're a good band. They should be listened to, talked about. So, here it is...what do you think?

A2810963 - Tool

Post 2

Dr Hell

Nice, but the title is a bit confusing... I thought I would read something about screwdrivers and pliers. I think a re-titleing to 'Tool - the band' would be OK.


A2810963 - Tool

Post 3


Nice Entry...
A few edity things:
me should be met in the paragraph about Justin Chancellor.
Lateralus section It's should be Its.
The years...some are '91, some are 1991. Make it consistent. Guide style is to put the whole year I believe, like 1991. 1992. Not '90 or ninety etc.

That's about all I could see on first reading, but one thing that puzzled me. No mention of A Perfect Circle? smiley - biggrin
And as Hell suggested, a reworking of the title as some Researchers may assume the Entry is about hammers and screwdrivers and all things DIY based. smiley - winkeye
smiley - devil

A2810963 - Tool

Post 4

Researcher 177704

Hi there Nachtduivel, nice entry smiley - smiley A few comments for your perusal:

- Perhaps give a description of the style of music that Tool play in the introduction. For someone like me who has never heared Tool, this is important.
- "Tool met up in '91". Write the date as '1991'.
- "Danny let Maynard and Adam..." Who's Adam?
- "...the glee club, and the "Knight Crier" Do you know what these clubs are? Perhaps use the tag to explain.
- 'Albums' section. Put all of the album names, both the ones in bold and in regular text in italics using the tag.
- What record labels were the albums released on?
- The internet tells me that 'Aenima' is actually written 'Ænima'. Just copy and paste the Æ character out of this thread to correct the mistake.
- "Lateralus is Tool at its greatest state." Perhaps change this sentence to a more neutral point of view. "Lateralus is widely regarded as Tool at its greatest state", for example.
- Similarly, perhaps change: "We can only hope..." to: "Fans can only hope..."
- Do Tool have a website? If so, put a header at the end that says 'External Links' and then link to it.

Quite a few comments there, but most of them are only minor. Apart from that, this is a very good, well-written entry smiley - ok

smiley - rocket

A2810963 - Tool

Post 5


Thanks for the feedback, guys! I will begin editing the site as soon as possible. As for now, keep the replies coming. I didn't want to go into A Perfect Circle, really, because I plan on writing an entry for them as well. Anyways, I appreciate your viewing the site!

A2810963 - Tool

Post 6

Mikey the Humming Mouse - A3938628 Learn More About the Edited Guide!

> I will begin editing the site as soon as possible.

Any chance to do that yet?

smiley - mouse

A2810963 - Tool

Post 7


I corrected the errors, but I don't know how to make it an edited page. I'm relatively new to the guide and don't know a lot yet.

A2810963 - Tool

Post 8

Researcher 177704

When entries placed in Peer Review are considered finished - that is, they appear complete, have been commented on by other researchers and have been update if necessary - they may be picked by a Scout for submission into the Edited. Then the entry will be sub-Edited so that it is of a quality and style consistent with other Edited entries, approved by the h2g2 staff and appear on the Front Page of the site.

Making the Guide entry Edited isn't something that you can do yourself, therefore. Right now you need to focus on making the necessary improvements to the entry (if you disagree with any researchers' suggestions, it's polite to say why you're choosing to ignore them) to get it picked by a Scout. The h2g2 staff and community will do the rest.

This whole process may take a while, so don't lose hope smiley - ok

smiley - rocket

A2810963 - Tool

Post 9


I thought I'd complied with everyone's suggestions. I didn't have a problem with any of them. If there are other errors, I'm more than willing to correct them. If there are other suggestions, I'd love to hear them. smiley - smiley

A2810963 - Tool

Post 10

Mikey the Humming Mouse - A3938628 Learn More About the Edited Guide!

Ahhh.... See, if there are comments here in the thread, and you go and make changes to the entry in response to those, it's best to come back here in the thread and say "Changes accomplished!" or somesuch. Otherwise, people will assume that they haven't happened.

After all, it wouldn't be exactly practical for people to keep checking the entry over and over again to see if changes had been made -- that's why it's up to you to let us know when they have been.

smiley - cheers

A2810963 - Tool

Post 11


haha, I'm sorry. It completely slipped my mind smiley - smiley

A2810963 - Tool

Post 12


Any more to add to this Nacht? smiley - smiley
Hoopy Frood
smiley - wizard

A2810963 - Tool

Post 13


If no one has other suggestions, I suppose that's it for now. I'll probably wait until the new album comes out to add anymore. It won't be that long.

A2810963 - Tool

Post 14


just a few typos:

1. In 1986, He moved to Los ... --> he

2. So, he flew to the states .. --> the States

3. neighbor --> neighbour

You could also change your website links into proper links by using the like this:

Tool's official website

smiley - okWell done!

minismiley - zoom

A2810963 - Tool

Post 15

Dr Hell

smiley - whistle HELL

A2810963 - Tool

Post 16

Mikey the Humming Mouse - A3938628 Learn More About the Edited Guide!

This is well-written, but after reading it, I still don't have the slightest clue what their music is like.... Sometimes comparisons to other groups can help with this.

A2810963 - Tool

Post 17


Thanks for taking the time to read the page. I've corrected the errors. It's really hard for me to compare Tool to anyone. They're very unique. I'll give it some thought. Those of you who've heard Tool's music, your opinions would be appreciated.

A2810963 - Tool

Post 18


Not so much what Tool sound like but perhaps some peers that could help the reader acknowledge what bands Tool may sit comfortably in their CD collection with;

Soundgarden (Badmotorfinger and superunknown era) and Chris Cornell.

Dinosaur Jr.

Jane's Addiction and Perry Farrell.

Alice in Chains.


Don't know if you agree or not, but might help a little...
smiley - wizard

A2810963 - Tool

Post 19

Dr Hell

That's a good suggestion from Hoopy Frood.

Apart from that, the Entry is quite ready to go.


Congratulations - Your Entry has been Picked for the Edited Guide!

Post 20

h2g2 auto-messages

Your Guide Entry has just been picked from Peer Review by one of our Scouts, and is now heading off into the Editorial Process, which ends with publication in the Edited Guide. We've therefore moved this Review Conversation out of Peer Review and to the entry itself.

If you'd like to know what happens now, check out the page on 'What Happens after your Entry has been Recommended?' at EditedGuide-Process. We hope this explains everything.

Thanks for contributing to the Edited Guide!

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