The h2g2 Poem

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Without You

From the time that we first met and

our whole world seemed brand new,

We shared our thoughts in daily trade;

our conversations grew

To turn the soil of common ground and found treasures sublime;

Unearthed the worth held in our hearts

as one gem at a time-

Held to the light, examined well-

took stock of all our ways.

We turned them into memories

to keep for all our days.

We even based it on God's Word

to guide us through this life.

I could not live without you, dear,

so you became my wife.

smiley - rose

The years we shared, they came and went

and slipped into the past:

Our loves, our joys, our girls and boys-

all things we thought would last-

Aged and changed so differently

from what we first had planned.

Our life grew strange and often strained;

we couldn't understand,

Until we saw we'd left God's Word

as pages in a book.

We'd failed to live it, then we knew

to take a second look,

And putting it to practice saved

a multitude of strife.

Again I knew that without you

I'd have no peace in life.

smiley - rose

Drawing closer every day then,

surely we were blessed,

For-of all our acquaintances-

we knew each other best.

Now if you close your eyes, my dear,

in momentary sleep,

I know that God will comfort me.

Your spirit he will keep

Until such time as Christ's return-

I'll meet him in the air;

Then at that final gathering

I'm sure to find you there.

I'll anticipate us sharing

a new eternal life.

How else could I go on today

without you as my wife?

smiley - rosesmiley - rosesmiley - rose

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