A Conversation for Tap Dancing - the practice of
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Kat - From H2G2 Posted May 3, 2005
Okay I finally did the changes. Take a look and see what you think...any more changes?
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Not him Posted May 3, 2005
did you want to keep shoes twice?
and a walk or step is not really right: it is a normal step from one leg to the other(as per your average walking around).
the changes in beats - you have a heel step for changes from 3 beat to 4 beat where it is only a 'heel'
if these changes are already made, please tell me so i can scream at my computer.
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Kat - From H2G2 Posted May 8, 2005
'the changes in beats - you have a heel step for changes from 3 beat to 4 beat where it is only a 'heel''
Where's this? Can you copy and paste the section of text it's in please?
(Just incase we've lost the link)
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Not him Posted May 9, 2005
The simplest of the changes made to these named steps is the increase (or decrease) in the number of beats. For example, three beat 'wings' or 'ripples' are changed to make the four beat versions by adding a heel step on the end.
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Kat - From H2G2 Posted May 9, 2005
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Not him Posted May 9, 2005
'tis brilliant. thank you so much.
on an unrelated subject, i can help with maths! (except S2)
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