A Conversation for Tap Dancing - the practice of

ideas / corrections

Post 1

Not him

This is the first line of feedback. If you spot anything strange or can think of clearer or more concise wording, I want to hear it. I want to know what people think, is it too technical? How can I make the subject more accessible? let me know please. even an opinion can be useful.

ideas / corrections

Post 2

Not him

also make that "better" or more varied wording, and my guideML needs work, oh ye experts out there.

ideas / corrections

Post 3

Jayne Austin

Wow - nice "how-to" ... I don't think it's too techincal, but maybe a bit dry. A little history of the dance in the intro would be nice, and some name-dropping; famous dancers & movies that have featured dancers; for example, Gregory Hines stared out just dancing, and went on to do a lot of great acting.

I LOVE tap dance, I'm glad someone is writing about it!

ideas / corrections

Post 4

Not him

hmmm. difficult. i don't want too much article, and can always write that one later when i'm (hopefully) a better writer.

ideas / corrections

Post 5


No suggestions to make. Just wanted to say though, that it tok me right back to my early teens when I took tap dancing classes and performed on stage a few times. I'd love to go back to it for fun but I now have arthritis in my foot so I can't! sniff!!! Just have to be content with watching films like the Cotton Club and old Fred and Ginger movies.

Thanks though.


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