A Conversation for Tap Dancing - the practice of

Peer Review: A2766620 - Tap Dancing - the practice of

Post 1

Not him

Entry: Tap Dancing - the practice of - A2766620
Author: EvilAl (Penguat, possibly the only one in existence) - U247749

i hope its ok...

A2766620 - Tap Dancing - the practice of

Post 2

Mikey the Humming Mouse - A3938628 Learn More About the Edited Guide!

Hi there! I really like this, and not only because it links to my wheelchair tap dancing entry. smiley - winkeye

One suggestion for starting with is that I think the second footnote would be much more helpful if explained in the introduction rather than in a footnote. Actually, it might be useful to have a brief subsection on tap shoes in general.

Are the steps listed in any particular order?

More comments later.

smiley - cheers

A2766620 - Tap Dancing - the practice of

Post 3

Jayne Austin

smiley - ok

A2766620 - Tap Dancing - the practice of

Post 4

Not him

it is almost certain that i've mucked up there somewhere....

but if so, you better tell me!

should the names be specified as ISTD names? (these names for these steps are used by the ISTD in england, where other groups(BBO, RAD etc.) name these things differently)

A2766620 - Tap Dancing - the practice of

Post 5


I think this is a great article and that bit of detail about ISTD names compared to different standards could just be a footnote, as it doesn't seem terribly important. That info is covered in the intro I think, where it says

"Different people use different terms or the same terms differently "

Perhaps it would be nice to mention a few notable practitioners of the art and have a sentance or two on its origins?

Overall, I think its a fine article. smiley - ok

A2766620 - Tap Dancing - the practice of

Post 6


Very informative and covers all the basics of tap dancing.

I used to tap dance but I failed my bronze medal so never went back

Chipssmiley - biggrin

A2766620 - Tap Dancing - the practice of

Post 7

Not him

i just spotted (hangs head in shame) i say in the article that i'll cover time steps and i dont...bear with me and i'll put it in.

A2766620 - Tap Dancing - the practice of

Post 8

Not him

reviewing it myself, i would appreciate suggestions on how to remove the double footnote as it looks shoddy and doesn't make good use of the dna system.

A2766620 - Tap Dancing - the practice of

Post 9


I still think this is a winner. Is any friendly scout gonna come along and take it or does it still need any polishing?

(it made me practise a time step for the first time in at least 10 years)

smiley - smiley

smiley - ok

A2766620 - Tap Dancing - the practice of

Post 10

Kat - From H2G2

Well isn't that good enough recommendation for any scout? I always love entries like this where it encourages you to try out the entry if you see what I mean.

Oh and if someone does recommend this entry, don't worry about the double footnote thing, your sub will be happy to deal with that, and explain it all for you if you get in touch with them smiley - ok


A2766620 - Tap Dancing - the practice of

Post 11

Not him


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Post 12

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Post 13

Jayne Austin

smiley - cheers

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Post 14

Not him

wow! it's happening!

1st one!

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Post 15

Emmily ~ Roses are red, Peas are green, My face is a laugh, But yours is a scream

smiley - bubbly Congratulations EvilAl

smiley - bluebutterfly

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Post 16

Kat - From H2G2

The cautiously subbed version can be found at A3895680

I've altered a few of the explanations that I found really confusing, however if I've actually changed the meaning then do peep at me please. Also, I don't really understand the ball-change explanation. Do you have a clearer way of explaining this Alex?

I also stuck in a quick paragraph about where the metal strips are located on the shoe, after making a bit of a fool of myself. If anyone can come up with something more eloquant that would be much appreciated.

If anyone has more suggestions for the entry then please do say, and if the author agrees with them, I shall put them in before sending this back for final reviewing. smiley - ok


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Post 17

Not him

ball change i.e. step back then forward

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Post 18

Not him

strip? plate? i think plate would be better

walk is as normal but for tap you will normally do everything off the toes.

heel step: i don't like the "sort of" (even though i put it there)

there is some confusion about double shuffles: "just that"? my fault but see what you can do please.

and we now have the shoes twice!

gosh, aren't i picky!

this is impressive! want to start tap dancing?

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Post 19

Kat - From H2G2

I'll poke all of these on Tuesday I promise. I'll be away for the weekend, otherwise I would do it then. I'll have a poke at the double shoes bit, perhaps move the shoes to the start of the entry rather than the end? I see why you did it there but perhaps it would be better for the explanations.

I'll poke the explanatory sentences too. I admit that I am fiddling with them because some were a bit confusing, so I'm getting a friend to do the step infront of me and help me translate it into words smiley - smiley

Don't worry about being picky, this is what reviewing is for.


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Post 20

Not him

you have a friend who tap dances? send my love...

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