A Conversation for wanderings and musings

Community Art Requests: A27540074 - wanderings and musings

Post 1


Entry: wanderings and musings - A27540074
Author: Pond_Wanderer - U7115343

I seem to be having a few problems with this smiley - erm
Can anybody help please?

A27540074 - wanderings and musings

Post 2


You don't seem to have put the right sort of thing in the right place. Was that what you were having trouble with?

A27540074 - wanderings and musings

Post 3


Yes. It quite surprised me. I wasn't expecting that to happen.
I don't understand why:

Whilst Zarza was sleeping a little pink dragon crept out from behind a great big boulder

is appearing at the top of the post. I am still writing this article and I wanted "whilst Zarza was sleeping etc"...to appear at the bottom.

Was it your post that was moderated earlier on?

A27540074 - wanderings and musings

Post 4


> "I wasn't expecting that to happen."

Well now you need to remove it from the Community Art Request forum again!

> "is appearing at the top of the post."

It isn't! Firstly, an article (A-number) entry is not a post (in a conversation thread). Secondly, assuming you meant the article and not your post, perhaps you fixed that marquee problem already.

> "Was it your post"

If you mean here, then yes. If you mean something somewhere else, then I have no idea.

A27540074 - wanderings and musings

Post 5


"is appearing at the top of the post."

Is it appearing above "wanderings and musings" to you, when you read it?

A27540074 - wanderings and musings

Post 6


It doesn't matter that "Zarza is sleeping" is at the top of the page because, in reality, that is what he is doing. It looks OK there, but I want to do some more writing at the bottom and I don't understand what caused "Zarza is sleeping" to go to the top.

I will remove it from this workshop after you have replied to this post. I just thought it was an smiley - artist 'arty' sort of question.

A27540074 - wanderings and musings

Post 7


smiley - ok I can see where I went wrong now, and I've put the thing right. Thanks for your help SEF.

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