A Conversation for wanderings and musings

Alternative Writing Workshop: A27540074 - wanderings and musings

Post 1


Entry: wanderings and musings - A27540074
Author: Pond_Wanderer - U7115343

This is a true story. smiley - smiley

A27540074 - wanderings and musings

Post 2


smiley - bubbly to my favourite author

A27540074 - wanderings and musings

Post 3


smiley - hug "I'm here now I'll see you when you've had a little think... " she said.

You 'do' realize it was the cat saying that don't you?

A27540074 - wanderings and musings

Post 4


No, but I do now

A27540074 - wanderings and musings

Post 5


Excellent. I now know that I have an affinity with dogs, cats, horses, lizards, birds and spiders. smiley - smiley

smiley - weird

A27540074 - wanderings and musings

Post 6


The goats *will* be disappointed

A27540074 - wanderings and musings

Post 7


It is quite some time since I've met some goats. I met some mini ones once. They were extremely amusing. I also forgot to mention the toads, frogs and snakes. Zarza is my spirit guide.

Do you think I should remove the entry and add some more to the story?

A27540074 - wanderings and musings

Post 8


To be perfectly honest, Chips, I don't know why you mentioned smiley - bubbly, I am not an author.

A27540074 - wanderings and musings

Post 9


Absolutely, Pond, so please give me back my smiley - bubbly

A27540074 - wanderings and musings

Post 10


smiley - bubbly Enjoy it! smiley - smiley I'll have an smiley - oj

A27540074 - wanderings and musings

Post 11


Drink up thee zider smiley - musicalnote

A27540074 - wanderings and musings

Post 12


Well, damnsmiley - laugh me, you're having an smiley - oj

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