A Conversation for Perfection

Evolution and petunias

Post 21

Artretia Dent

Apparently, because the univers ect. works on change, and survival, if something ever reached perfection, it will cease to exist.
So there you go.
It also makes sense then that the universe will/has ceased to exist when the meaning is found.

Evolution and petunias

Post 22


No. If I follow this right, then Yoko was
the catylist for the implosion of perfection!

That certainly sits more comfortably with
me anyways...

Evolution and petunias

Post 23

Artretia Dent

Actually, John Lennon died to make the thought of the music he never wrote live.
Or 'cos someone shot him.

Evolution and petunias

Post 24


so i were to believe darwin and you then john lennon's music survived because it was 'fitter' at surviving than he was, though of course that would make the bullet the fittest of them all thereby leading us all to believe that evolution is a game played by all the ammunition dealers who are laughing their heads of at us in their beverly hills penthouses !!!

and of course yoko is the mastemind!!! boy paul never had a chance against that type of competetion!!!

Evolution and petunias

Post 25

SPINY (aka Ship's Cook)

No,no - nobody remembers the bullet smiley - smiley It was simply the instrument of death. These things generally don't turn up at Rock memorabilia auctions. But Lennon's songs live for ever.

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