A Conversation for Perfection

plato's ideas

Post 1

tonderai (wearing an itchy baobab hat)

this passage reminds me of plato's ideas - i have never heard it applied to disappearing foodstuffs before though smiley - smiley

plato's ideas

Post 2

Nhi Vanye i Chya

i wonder if Plato had a wife or significant other? this would explain a lot, i think... smiley - winkeye

actually, at the risk of showing my ignorance, i have to confess i haven't read a lot of Plato so i'll have to take your word for it! smiley - smiley

plato's ideas

Post 3

tonderai (wearing an itchy baobab hat)

neither have I, its looking intelligent on my bookshelf though smiley - smiley ... its just that he thought the objects we see around us are imperfect reflections of a underlying pure form, called an 'idea'. so your perfect sundae does exist, but you'll never get a chance to see (or taste) it. bumma. i agree, must have had a greedy wife.

plato's ideas

Post 4

Nhi Vanye i Chya

it's the sort of thing i'd have on my shelf too, looking somewhat uneasy sandwiched between Dr. Seuss and a Linux manual... smiley - smiley

actually, now you mention it, that theory rings a bell... i've heard it somewhere, some time before... and it must have surfaced from my subconscious in the form of this entry!

you're absolutely right - i'm unlikely to ever taste that sundae... or any sundae with my significant other around, anyway! smiley - biggrin

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