A Conversation for Who Is Bluebottle?
Not on h2g2....?
Heliophile Started conversation Apr 15, 2001
What's this I see?
A person with the monicker of "Garfie" NOT on h2g2 ?????!!!!!!
I don't care how you do it, just get him on! That name cannot be allowed to go to waste!
I see, also, that you like the Goons! There is a club called the Goon Show Appreciation Society, but I can't for the life of me remember if they have a web site...I know the "Moderators" won't let me put the url on the site, so I'm just going to let my search engine (good old Copernic!) go hunting, back in a tick!
Goon, but not forgotten!
Heliophile Posted Apr 15, 2001
Yes, the GSPS DOES have a web site, [URL removed by moderator]
I used to a member years ago, but had to give it up when finances stopped....!
I do have two videos of the collected "Telegoons" courtesy of the GSPS, and also some original recordings on reel-to-reel that a friend of mine made when he was in the Army, so the quality is not terrific, but the fact is most of them were recorded on the first broadcasting before the censors got hold of them. Some of the jokes have to be heard to be believed! I must dig them out and see if I can put them down on CD to preserve them for the future. Unfortunately I can't make recordings of them for others, due to copyright and all that! However, the GSPS has got nearly all the recordings as well, and will be happy to let you have some...for a price sadly!
I do hope that this has helped, and you will keep the flag of Goon Land flying high!
All the best from one Goon nut to another!
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Not on h2g2....?
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