A Conversation for Welcome to h2g2

The Buzz

Post 1

Teaserman the Discontinuous

Hello. I am Teaserman. I am in the process of buzzing every forum in the H2G2 universe. Buzz. Thank you.

The Buzz

Post 2

Lisa the Freak // Poet by the Toga

Hello. I am Lisa. I am in the process of following Teaserman..

The Buzz

Post 3

The Cheese

Hello. I am Brenton. I am in the process of annoying Lisa.

The Buzz

Post 4

Curry Delivery Boy

Hi. I am nobody. Forget you saw me.

The Buzz

Post 5

Lisa the Freak // Poet by the Toga

_(Who said that?)_

The Buzz

Post 6

The Cheese

I scream for ice cream!

The Buzz

Post 7

ex Brigadeer, now Tealady Werekitty aka Tobru De'ran; ex sith extraordinaire, well poked veggie fascist and Goo Goose

I like fried halumi and pickled roasted red peppers...
I don't really scream for them though

The Buzz

Post 8

Go stick your head in a pig :@)

*randomly screams*

Oh. Sorry.

The Buzz

Post 9

ex Brigadeer, now Tealady Werekitty aka Tobru De'ran; ex sith extraordinaire, well poked veggie fascist and Goo Goose

*bear hugs Go...*

The Buzz

Post 10

Go stick your head in a pig :@)

smiley - laughsmiley - laugh

thanks Werekitty!smiley - smiley

The Buzz

Post 11

ex Brigadeer, now Tealady Werekitty aka Tobru De'ran; ex sith extraordinaire, well poked veggie fascist and Goo Goose

my pleasure. As long as you haven't done what you name says.

The Buzz

Post 12

Go stick your head in a pig :@)

smiley - yuk

Surprisingly not. Still, if I had done, at least you would have known where I'd been. Better than not knowing I always think.smiley - huh

On the other hand...smiley - erm


The Buzz

Post 13

ex Brigadeer, now Tealady Werekitty aka Tobru De'ran; ex sith extraordinaire, well poked veggie fascist and Goo Goose

It depends what part of the pig really. I mean if it was a giant pig with a little bit of a tooth ache and you happen to be a pig dentist then it wouldn't be too bad. Lets not go into the other options.

The Buzz

Post 14

Go stick your head in a pig :@)

smiley - laugh

fair enough!smiley - biggrin

Anyone got any animals with bad oral hygiene?


The Buzz

Post 15

ex Brigadeer, now Tealady Werekitty aka Tobru De'ran; ex sith extraordinaire, well poked veggie fascist and Goo Goose

*Practises fluffing up her tail*

The Buzz

Post 16

Go stick your head in a pig :@)

I thought I said oral, not anal. smiley - huh

*goes off to find a pig*

The Buzz

Post 17

ex Brigadeer, now Tealady Werekitty aka Tobru De'ran; ex sith extraordinaire, well poked veggie fascist and Goo Goose

I know. It's just when theirs not much to do I perform my toilletteee. *Sharpens claws on a nearby shoulder*

The Buzz

Post 18

Go stick your head in a pig :@)

*comes back with head stuck in pig*

[muffled voice]miff wearwy iffwent aff goof aun oidier aff oi foght (trans. this really isn't as good an idea as I thought)

*goes off again to remove head from pig and stick a plaster over the bleeding scratch-marks on his shoulder*


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