A Conversation for Phantasy Phootball Euro 2004 - Homepage
PP:Update 22/6
Alfredo Marquez Started conversation Jun 23, 2004
No change in the table after last nights games but B now has second place outright and has closed the gap with Otto to only 11 points.
And watch out tomorrow for the return of the Phantasy Phootball Jeff Stelling interview
PP:Update 22/6
Secretly Not Here Any More Posted Jun 23, 2004
I never know if he's being sarcastic...
PP:Update 22/6
egon Posted Jun 23, 2004
Jeff Stelling: Welcome to Sky sports news coverage of Euro 2004, and I'm here with Egon, manager of Brett Angell's All Star XI ride again. Egon, hello.
Egon: Evenin' Jeff. D'y'mind being quick, the mighty boosh is on in a minute.
Jeff: no problem. How do you feel BAASXIRA are doing?
Egon: Well, I'm obviously disppointed to fall behind the sporting lesbins, but of course we still have a real chance of second place and, i'm saying, Holland reaching the quarters is good news for the lad Bouma and me speccy man Davids.
Jeff: Of course, because a few of your players are out.
Egon: Aye Jeff, that's right. There is the unique challenge here of trying to predict the latter rounds due to some, y'know, tight restrictions.
Jeff: Hopw impressed were you with Mateerazzi's first apperance.
Egon: not very, Jeff
Jeff: Egon, thank you.
Egon: my pleasure, Jeff.
PP:Update 22/6
egon Posted Jun 23, 2004
Jeff: Egon, what do you have to say about the speculations from Giovanni Trapatoni that you have been wining and dining the Phantasy Phootball committee in order to get preferential tretment?
Egon: Ill-informed bilge. In actual fact, the comittee purcahsed the meal, and I merely reunded the comittee the price of a thai green curry. All I bought the comittee was a Coke, while I had a Kaliber.
Jeff: A kaliber, what's wrong with you man?
Egon: I decided tosee what beer tasted like with the good stuff taken out.
Jeff: And how did it taste
Egon: nae good, Jeff.
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PP:Update 22/6
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