A Conversation for Phantasy Phootball Euro 2004 - Homepage
PP:Teams finalised
Alfredo Marquez Started conversation Jun 11, 2004
Well everyone now has a full team except Otto who has an email about the reserve price for his chosen striker and our new player riotact who still needs one midfielder. Transfer market is now open and transfers bids accepted until the end of the last group game. I will post any bids received on here and tell when the deadline for counter bids is
PP:Teams finalised
Secretly Not Here Any More Posted Jun 12, 2004
You not going to do the predictions? B did predictions. He said I'd come bottom...
PP:Teams finalised
Alfredo Marquez Posted Jun 12, 2004
Well looking at the teams I think there are 4 teams with a real chance of winning this and I think it will be so close I don't want to try and split them. Those four are Number Six, Egon, Andy G and Master B. Having said that I think that Psycorps team are dark horses for the win but you know how it goes...pundits are usually wrong so lets just see what happens
PP:Teams finalised
egon Posted Jun 12, 2004
the problem is that if any team go out as a shock in the first round, some of us will have to rebuuild- if the Czechs go I have to replace Nedved, for example. Fortuinately, i think my forwrasds will both be in the final.
PP:Teams finalised
egon Posted Jun 14, 2004
Well, I'm happy with my portugese guy. He took the corner
And I can console myself about the england game with the fact that I've got Zidane.
PP:Teams finalised
Mu Beta Posted Jun 14, 2004
I'll console myself with the fact that you're a gloating git, then.
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PP:Teams finalised
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