A Conversation for Smudger Snippets
websailor Posted Aug 27, 2007
Smudger, is that snippet about current events? If so I am so glad you have encountered someone who recognised it, it is so difficult to get a diagnosis.
There are two kinds of PTSD, one relates to single traumatic events, like say 9/ll, 7/7 etc. or wartime experiences, and the other relates to stress suffered over a long period, often way in the past. such as bullying at school etc.
I have a friend who I believe suffers from it but has not been diagnosed . They don't seem to see the past as relevant.
You are lucky to have had it recognised, and I do hope the counselling helps.
Smudger879n Posted Aug 28, 2007
Hi WS, yes I was told that its events from my past plus the present situation, which had brought it all on
In fact, I missed an appointment yesterday, as I had lost all track of the days? So I am a bit iffy about going back again?
I am trying to keep my Snippets happy these days, as when I read that one back, it was a bit depressing really? Smudger.
websailor Posted Aug 28, 2007
Oh, Smudger, please don't give up on it. You have a chance of some help, don't miss the opportunity.
I really wish my friend could find that sort of help but said friend cannot talk about the problems, just cannot.
Mark ll needs you, but you owe it to yourself anyway to put the suffering away if you can.
Take care my friend, I'm always on email if that's any help.
Smudger879n Posted Aug 28, 2007
Hi WS, This CPS Nurse I go to see, is only keeping tabs on me until I get my appointment with the consultant (shrink) and that is another 10 months as there is a long waiting list
I asked about a group thing in our local area, but she said there is not enough folk with the same problem for that??????
Ah! well, I suppose I ha better phone tomorrow, and see if they are still speaking to me
websailor Posted Aug 30, 2007
Hi, Smudger,
Just checking in to see if they are still speaking to you?!
That seems a long wait, I thought Scotland was doing better than us in most things. I am amazed there are not sufficient people with the same type of problem in your area. More likely they have not sought help, or have not been diagnosed.
There are so many people with hidden problems these days.
Anyway, and take care,
Smudger879n Posted Aug 31, 2007
Hi WS, Yes they are still speaking to me I have to go again at the end of next month! (only first available point?)
The main reason the figures are so slow is that all the emergency services don't like having folk being diagnosed with PTSD, so they call it depression instead, that way it doesn't show up in their records
The only folk who admit to it, and treat folk for it, are the armed forces, but I left them over 30 years ago
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