A Conversation for Mancunian Blues


Post 1

~ jwf ~ scribblo ergo sum

Yes, you seem to have the right attitude to be a good music critic. I'll be looking forward to your articles.
And, happily for you, I live so far away (Canada) it'll be hard for me to argue with your assessment unless the groups get internationally big. That said, I do know some of Liams solo work from bootlegged downloads and was glad to see you regard him as the high water mark of recent years.
smiley - peacedove


Post 2

several, a/k/a random

alas and alack, i am unable to take much part in the area music scene any longer, but yes, indeed, i have seen a stangancy of the new, the have-something-to-say that isn't a re-tread tragi-copy.
picked up a bit of news on 'creating' tho---bowie's website supposedly encourages folks to sample and re-sort his latest release, and 'satellite radio' is gaining ground.
smiley - musicalnote

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