A Conversation for Crater Labs, Inc.

Temporal Quantification Dome

Post 101

Garius Lupus

*Enters the room wearing an apron, carrying a feather duster in one hand, a mop in the other and pushing a bucket of sudsy water with one foot. He's humming an old tune by Steve Miller.*

smiley - musicalnote
Time keeps on slipping, slipping, slipping
Into the future
smiley - musicalnote

*GL begins to dust off a bench in the corner, then notices signs of a large crowd having recently been in the vicinity. He scratches his head and walks over to the TQD, whose handle has turned back to orange. He peers into the window and recoils in shock.*

Whoa! There's a party in there!

*GL looks both ways to make sure no one can see him, then kicks a small plaque on the TQD. The plaque reads "Fragile". The door handle turns goo, turns itself and the door pops open with a sigh. GL enters.*

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Temporal Quantification Dome

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