A Conversation for TV Wrestling Fans


Post 1

Alon (aka Mr.Cynic)

You seem to be very learned about wrestling fans. Did you aquire this great knowledge through hours of studying theses creatures? are you one yourself? or did you just build this wonderous stereotype from your imagination? It makes sense, I'm just curious where you picked it up smiley - winkeye.


Post 2

Mike A (snowblind)

Sadly, it was my unearthly duty to reject this entry because frankly it...

Oh. Hi Mr C smiley - winkeye

I know many wrestling fans. And I dislike all but one of them. The one I like, I like because he is a funny person. But the others are just plain annoying. They stomp around places going "Jericho wins the WXHLUS title belt with a Fish Splash!"

Ok, I'm not in top form for having a stab at wrestling right now. But I don't like it. There, I said it. smiley - smiley

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