A Conversation for Faking chess

Jeff Goldblum

Post 1

Irving Washington - Gone Writing

Jeff isn't really all that great at fake chess. I beat him two out of three falls the other night in a caffeine induced hallucination I had...


Jeff Goldblum

Post 2

Sir Fragalot

Silence, you mortal! Lest the Great Benevolent Goldblum turn his Evil glass-studded gaze upon thee! smiley - winkeye
Actually Jeff is an autodidactic Fake Chess player, who worked himself up from Subliminal Chess (a Fake variation of blind chess where you try to convince your opponent you played mate unconsiously) to asphyxiation-induced Near Mate Experiences (NME). His basic inexperience with the complexities of Fake Chess theory are therefore his achilles heel, which you exploited wonderfully!

Jeff Goldblum

Post 3

Irving Washington - Gone Writing

Goldblum is a fine actor, though. I must admit.

Jeff Goldblum

Post 4

Sir Fragalot

Glad you agree! I don't know what it is about him.. He can sound rather nerdy, but always enigmatic. For some time I thought he would make an excellent teacher, and guess what, checking for pictures yesterday I found out he IS! (check out www.goldblum.com for proof)

Jeff Goldblum

Post 5


Come and visit the naf-club at A226612 if you're interested in Jeff Goldblum.
We all are naf of him.

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