A Conversation for Star Wars vs Star Trek

Borg cube every time.

Post 1


Death Star attacks, maybe the Borg are damaged 25%. This is peanuts, as a Borg cube can stay fully functioning up to 78% damage. Death Star retreats, attacks again. Borg have adapted. They are done no damage. Borg removes Death Star defences. Borg beam over. Once all the modulations on the weapons have been adapted to, mass assimilation begins. Darth Vader becomes Eighth of Fourteen of sub-junction 8/be344/33/42

Borg cube every time.

Post 2

Six clones: Y2K, Y3K, Y4K, Y2C, Y3C, and Y4C

The Death Star would not do 25% damage. The Death Star would do 0% damage. Lasers -- and it /is/ a superLASER -- cannot penetrate even /navigator/ shields!

Borg cube every time.

Post 3


For the sake of argument, let's say that the Borg first time round were facing a sort of laser never seen before, but with even the first hit they'd adapt, and I'd like to see who other than Species 8472 have a weapon that can do that.

Death Star every time.

Post 4

Six clones: Y2K, Y3K, Y4K, Y2C, Y3C, and Y4C

In that case, then knowing the disposition of the Death Star's superlaser, it would transform the Borg Cube into a cloud of atoms that are free to go as they please.

Death Star every time.

Post 5


The Borg realise this, and send a fleet to remove it. I doubt the Star could take out a thousand cubes at once, somehow. Or they'd send another which would have adapted. Or they'd set Species 8472 onto it.

Death Star every time.

Post 6

Six clones: Y2K, Y3K, Y4K, Y2C, Y3C, and Y4C

How'd Species 8472 get so nice to the Borg?

And did you know that 47 appears in more episodes of the Star Trek shows (starting with NexGen) than any other number? There's 47 survivors, the ship is at 147 mark 6, stardate 47474.7...

Death Star every time.

Post 7


I know. In DS9, it was a favoured number for padds - Jake, Worf and Cap. Sisko have all been seen using padd 4747. Also, I believe humans are Species 147, and Kazon are Species 347.

47 every time.

Post 8

Six clones: Y2K, Y3K, Y4K, Y2C, Y3C, and Y4C

The seventh season of TNG and second season of DS9 must've been fun, with regards to Stardates. The first two digits in those two were always 47.

Did you know that in DS9, they keep using "Supplemental" as the stardate for the episode? I know because in "The Nitpicker's Guides" it has the stardate for each episode at the beginning of each synopsis (It said "Stardate: 41998.2" and then the synopsis) and for several of the episode in the DS9 guide, it said, "Stardate: Supplemental." (The first time it did this it added "See below" and one of the "nits" was that in the FIRST log entry it said "Supplemental" and from then on, it managed to mention that the stardate was "supplemental" in unrelated nits for each of the episodes that this happened in.)

47 every time.

Post 9


Aren't they good? Does Phil Farrand have a website?

47 every time.

Post 10

Six clones: Y2K, Y3K, Y4K, Y2C, Y3C, and Y4C


47 every time.

Post 11


Found it already.

Have Sisko and Janeway been awarded syndromes yet?

47 every time.

Post 12

Six clones: Y2K, Y3K, Y4K, Y2C, Y3C, and Y4C

I don't think so. But Sisko always goes to the Gamma Quadrant despite the fact that the Dominion said not to.

47 every time.

Post 13


Sisko's syndrome - The Sisko-knows-the-Defiant-is-the-only-method-of-protection-for-the-station-so-he-uses-it-to-go-everywhere-he-wants syndrome.

47 every time.

Post 14

Six clones: Y2K, Y3K, Y4K, Y2C, Y3C, and Y4C

Haven't seen much of Voyager, though.

47 every time.

Post 15


The Janeway-knows-she'll-have-a-fight-with-Chakotay-if-she-goes-ahead-with-her-plan-or-vendetta-so-she-goes-right-ahead syndrome(?)

How many episodes have you seen where Janeway uses autodestruct?

47 every time.

Post 16

Six clones: Y2K, Y3K, Y4K, Y2C, Y3C, and Y4C


Erm, I saw "Parallax" once ...

Death Star every time.

Post 17


I think that, even if the cubes would have won, Darth Vader probably could use The Force to knock out the central Borg Queen Computer or something along those lines.

Death Star every time.

Post 18

Wild Karrde

o.k. first the laser would not just do 25% damage. we are not talking laser we are talking laser or phaser. we are not talking a bout that orange beam that shoots out of the enterprise.we are talking planet destoyers. these destroy planets. planets. y'now those things that are massive. try as they might the borg will never destroy a planet without about a hundread cubes. this beam would destroy the cube and any moons or asteroids around the back. if there were more than one of these cubes then the death star would just reduce the power to the beam so that there was only just enough destuction to one at a time with no waste then fire at them repeated ly before they can adapt. if by some chance they had a problem with the lazer then it's kitted out with sevral thousand turbolasers, ion cannons, photon topeedo and concussion missile launchers. first they would fire al the turbolasers at once but they would only get a few shots in before the borg adapted. then they would fie their ion cannons. the ion bolts go straight through their sheilds and with the only way to adapt the sheilds is to total recofigure the sheilds but this would leave them selves open from an attack of turbolasers, blaster cannons, laser cannons, photon topeedoes, concussion missiles. so all of their the drones are spralled on the floor with blue lightning running across them. and then the death star would finish them of with photon topeedoes, concussion missiles and turbolasers, with a constant wave of ion beams so the ships can't regerate or adapt. if the borg brought in more troups then so would the empire. at it's peak the empire had round about 25,000 imperial class star destroyers (Excluding those that couldn't be used because they were asained to protect an aera of space. that works out at one and a half million turbolasers, one and a half million ion cannons. one point eight million tie fighters. point seven mill other surport craft. not including the large amount of victory class star destroyers, dreadnaughts and five super star destroyers, spread out over a galaxy. compared to the borg fleet which is spread around galatic sectors, the empire would be able to amass a larger fleet in time. and crush the borg. then if the was a ground attack, the borg have no grond assult veicals. well whats the point no one elses does and how do you assimilate people if your'e in a tank. i'll tell you the point...At-At's, At-St and Gamma-class assult shuttles. and with Tie bombers backing them up the borg don't stand a chance.

Borg cube every time.

Post 19


Do you relieze that you could just send in about 100 borg to the 10000 storm troopers (thats a ten to one ratio for those who are interested) and the borg would win? Kill one borg, adapt, assimilate storm troopers, etc etc. See the pattern?

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