A Conversation for Star Wars vs Star Trek

Missing a few point

Post 1

Researcher AngelBlue

Borg cube verses Death star? You are forgetting that although the Death Star destroys planets, the Borg Cube is only one tiny tentacle of a huge race destroying hive mind and is still a huge threat. It also only took one shot to take down a Death Star.

Missing a few point

Post 2

Mike Antilles

It took one shot to take out the Death Star, but a lot of pilots died. It depends on which Death Star you're talking about. The first, lots of people dies. The second, more people died to destroy it than would die if you tried to take out a cube. Death Stars live up to their names. Also SW has a much better storyline. Star Trek is basically a single format of "we come, we have a situation, we try to solve it diplomatically, if that doesn't work we fire the photon torps, but, oh no, they don't do anything, so we try diplomacy again, it works" but SW has lots of different story lines in it. Like the triumph of good over evil, and, if I may point out, Star Wars, not Star Trek was pointed out as one of the "good wars."

Star Trek is an ountdated program that tries to be too complicated. Lots of people watch it, and rightly so, it can be a good program, but the long and the short of it is that people are getting bored of it, we're into the 5th series now and things have gone on for too long.

Missing a few point

Post 3


this story doesn't apply to me, because I don't know what a borg cube is. but I DO know the death star demolished alderaan.smiley - tongueout

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