Star Wars vs Star Trek

3 Conversations

Right, this is a huuuuuuuuuuge debate over the internet. It's a multitude of arguments. Which has a better story line, Which has the most impact etc. But what everybody wants to know is who would win if it came to a ruck. Obvious. Picture the vast legions of Imperial Stormtroopers, thousands of Star Destroyers bombarding planets, huge AT-AT's crushing their foes and everything in their path, nifty TIE - Fighters blasting with their deadly lasers not to mention Sith Lords Crushing peoples throats and giving them a jolly good seeing to with a lightsabre. Now Picture 7 red shirted ensigns with phasers set to kill and a puny communicator, the enterprise chugging slowly through space with its spread of puny Photon Torpedoes. There's no contest (in my opinion).
So Kick Neelix in the Face and have some fun on a speeder bike. Star Wars wins hands down every time. Oh and I have taken Klingons and Cardassians into consideration along with the goody two shoes rebellion. One final note Borg Cube vs Death Star?

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