A Conversation for Party!!!!

Let's keep the partay fuelled up!!!!

Post 141

Researcher Baz

Stumbles into the party half cut and mumbles something about this being a long bloody party. Apprently its being going on for over four weeks now
Happy b day by the way

Let's keep the partay fuelled up!!!!

Post 142

Mike A (snowblind)

Hey, if you lot want music then Metal For Muthas is re-released on Bruce Dickinson's Air Raid label on March 13th. It's NOWOBHM so of course I'm buying it straight away smiley - winkeye.
In Metal Hammer's 1999 Readers Poll results Bruce D was #2 Best Vocalist and #3 Man Of The Year. He rocks!

(and seems to be overtaking steve harris as frontman of iron maiden)

Let's keep the partay fuelled up!!!!

Post 143

alicat (Patron Saint of Good Taste)

Hi Katsy, honey. Glad to see you're still partying. Hope you had a great weekend. I brought YOU some choccy smiley - fish , for a change. That song, "Dreams", is an old Fleetwood Mac tune. I think it was written by Stevie Nicks. She's got some really great songs solo, too. She's also gorgeous, though pretty old. What have you decided about art and textiles? Hope you're happy, and spreading the love vibe.smiley - smiley

Let's keep the partay fuelled up!!!!

Post 144

Katsy a.k.a. Esti

I enjoy art quite a lot, and LOVE textiles.
I think you're right about that Corrs song, hang on, let me just check,
*looks inside album credits, skips back*
It mentions Stevie Nicks, not Fleetwood Mac though. Thanx soooo much for the choccy smiley - fish !
Hey, I bought my mobile phone today, except I'm not actually getting it until Friday as I ordered it from a shop that insisted you pay upfront before you even get a chance to see what the phone looks like, but I'd seen the phone already in another shop.

May it be belated, but with good intention

Post 145

LePerdymonkee,Phobos'PremierLeatherGodess. Museof tasteful & artistic nude portraits + Patron Saintof the Selectively Ignored-©

Oh oh oh! I only got invited 2 weeks ago... hehe... I'd missed half the fun by then... Hmm.. well, I'm pleased to have made it, anyway. Yep. So's my buddy the pint here. ::kisses mug:: WE're good 'ol friends. Oh, here's your present. When you unwrap it you shall be pleased (I hope) to find a new, shiny tub of peanutbutter. I didn't know your tastes, but peanutbutter also functions as a lovely adhesive. Versitile stuff, peanutbutter. Yep.

::Ties her bra around her neck, dons a lampshade, & initiates a lovely dance on top of a table - all while singing about elephants & pink monkeys::


May it be belated, but with good intention

Post 146

Mike A (snowblind)

*dithers around trying to find someone to talk to that will understand him*

May it be belated, but with good intention

Post 147

Katsy a.k.a. Esti


May it be belated, but with good intention

Post 148

Katsy a.k.a. Esti

And welcome to the partay LePerdymonkee!

May it be belated, but with good intention

Post 149

Miss Jeni

LOL - hee, hee, hee.

May it be belated, but with good intention

Post 150

Katsy a.k.a. Esti

what's so funny?

May it be belated, but with good intention

Post 151

Miss Jeni

I can't say 'cos u will kill me!!!! hee, hee, hee.

May it be belated, but with good intention

Post 152

Miss Jeni

I'm sorry, but I just have 2 get this out of my system and that is that AMERICA RULES - hee, hee, hee!!

May it be belated, but with good intention

Post 153


america does rule but england comes a close second!

Ally S is back in da house BTW

May it be belated, but with good intention

Post 154


Every time i come on this bloody site you all leave!
Should i be taking a hint here?

May it be belated, but with good intention

Post 155

Katsy a.k.a. Esti

No! Don't worry! I've just been doing a few jobs for me mum and I'm back now!

Jeni: When r u going to phone me????? And tell me what's so funny by either phoning or e-mailing me!

May it be belated, but with good intention

Post 156


aha! the curly haired slacker has risen from the depths of the housework and come to join in with the fun...i am soooo dead 4 skool tomorrow...but who cares? life's too short to worry about a blonde haired, problem relating,idiotic,up herself,maniacal, stuck up,annoying,hateful,bitch slapped teacher like miss hammond.
I can be twice the bitch she is if she pushes me too far....

aaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhh cool that's out me system back to the party!

May it be belated, but with good intention

Post 157

Katsy a.k.a. Esti

Well done! I'll second that! Jeni's been e-mailing me frantically about the report!
You probably won't hear from me for a while as I must go off-line to do some homework and eat my lunch.
Oh yeah, my friend is starting school tomorrow and she's in even deeper **** than we are. I phoned her earlier and she ain't happy!

May it be belated, but with good intention

Post 158


**** the school,you won't catch me doing the f**king homework till i've finished my last day of this half term...
in other words i'm not wasting the last day of half term doing poxy homework so i wont be doing it till the last minute then i'll kick meself cos it'll be too late then i'll find myself in a big pile of old sox...
one day i might just learn my lesson....

May it be belated, but with good intention

Post 159

Mike A (snowblind)

I resent that. How can a country 'rule' if they let a bunch of jerks in schools go round and kill kids, and then do f**k-all about their s**tty gun laws. Pretty screwed up to me!
And there's the pointless wars made to further capitalism. F**king capitalist s**t. What's wrong with their government? Tell 'em to f**k off!

See, I don't need to censor my posting smiley - smiley
A big hi to the Americans reading this.

May it be belated, but with good intention

Post 160


well said Mike A but you have to realise that what Jeni X is saying is just an expression us girls use in the hood so dont take it personally!

The american laws dont mean much to Jeni when carter is about ...
anyway..play nicely catz smiley - smiley

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