A Conversation for Magicians Guild : Guild Hall

Elwyn_Centauri's cupboard

Post 41

Kat - From H2G2

*Katriana turns back to Elwyn*

Come on then do whatever it is you're supposed to be doing. I suppose you can test it on me if you want but make sure you know what you're doing first.

Elwyn_Centauri's cupboard

Post 42

Elwyn_Centauri, geAt (O+ THS)

*Elwyn handed a strand over to Katriana*
Here, pretend it's needlework and thread the red one through. Like this... and knot the twines here. It's easy, anyone can tie the winds :D

Elwyn_Centauri's cupboard

Post 43

Kat - From H2G2


What am I supposed to be creating? I can't...*lowers her voice*...I can't do magic when I'm not afraid or angry.

Elwyn_Centauri's cupboard

Post 44

Elwyn_Centauri, geAt (O+ THS)

*laughs coldly smiley - evilgrin*
So, wittle Katriana could not do what a toddle with magic could? Lame... truly. Inside five minutes, or I shall slap you silly with that dumb stick of yours... I mean Wisdoms need canes right?

Elwyn_Centauri's cupboard

Post 45

Kat - From H2G2

*Katriana glares at Elwyn and breathes deeply*

Just you mind your mouth young lady. I am Wisdom, not you and I was achieving things whilst you were still playing with dolls.

*She stares at the ceiling a moment before looking down again, a quiet lid on her rage, but it still bubbling*

Elwyn_Centauri's cupboard

Post 46

Elwyn_Centauri, geAt (O+ THS)

*snickers in haughty destain*
Knew it was above you. Still can't handle magic?
some Healer

Elwyn_Centauri's cupboard

Post 47

Kat - From H2G2

*Katriana finally snaps, whirls round to face Elwyn and glares at her, lifting one finger slowly.

Elwyn is lifted into the air until her head gently bumps the rafters. Katriana's finger lowers as does Elwyn, and then moves sharply unwards, bumping Elwyn's head against the beam with a resounding thud. Katriana then lets her gently down to the floor and smiles benignly*

Sorry child? Did you wish to say something?

*She glowers but keeps the smile firmly on her face*

Elwyn_Centauri's cupboard

Post 48

Elwyn_Centauri, geAt (O+ THS)

*struggled but then grinned*
Let me go and I won't set your skirts afire later.
*Elwyn glanced down*
release me gently

Elwyn_Centauri's cupboard

Post 49

Kat - From H2G2

IF you set my skirts on fire then there will be severe consequences, not the least of which being having to drink my elderflower and chamomile draft...which is only actually meant for constipation smiley - evilgrin

*Katriana sets Elwyn safely on a chair and releases her*

NOW...continue *smiles sweetly*

Elwyn_Centauri's cupboard

Post 50

Elwyn_Centauri, geAt (O+ THS)

*Elwyn gulps at some unpleasant thought*
You fight dirty.

Elwyn_Centauri's cupboard

Post 51

Kat - From H2G2

No I fight according to my opposition and with the poise of a Wisdom.

Now, would you care to continue your demonstration now that I appear to...yes well anyway...

Elwyn_Centauri's cupboard

Post 52

Elwyn_Centauri, geAt (O+ THS)

prickly temper
*Elwyn rearranges the winds and reties the knots*
Do what I do...

Elwyn_Centauri's cupboard

Post 53

Kat - From H2G2

*Katriana settles as well as she can on one of the hard wooden chairs and with one hand brings a small area of air together, arranges it overlapping, before teasing the knots through.

She stares carefully at the arrangement a while before sitting back, propping one leg up on another chair (carefully pulling back part of her skirt so as not to be in the way) and settling the mass of knotted air onto her leg*

Take a look at that and tell me if it's correct before I try fiddling with it actually on me. I don't want my leg ending up black and blue. Of course if you can't be bothered then you could always have another trip to the ceiling.

Elwyn_Centauri's cupboard

Post 54

Elwyn_Centauri, geAt (O+ THS)

*grits teeth*
That... won't be neccessary.
*absorbed herself in the design, hands flying*
Ok, in order to stay flexible and yet rigid enough to hold the shape and frame, knot the two strands here at this joint, but weave this fabric of wind so it's gentle on your leg.
*steps back and examines the work*
hmmm smiley - erm

Elwyn_Centauri's cupboard

Post 55

Kat - From H2G2

*gazes at the mass with some slight unnerve, before waving her hand and gradually tightening the weave around her leg until it is solid*

Right help me up, let's see if this works properly.

*She places her foot back down on the floor and slowly gets up. The effect is rather spoilt as she lurches sideways into Elwyn*

Elwyn_Centauri's cupboard

Post 56

Elwyn_Centauri, geAt (O+ THS)

*supports her unbalanced subject back to the comfy bed and frowns intently*
how can I meld this strand without affecting the fastened knots? I need to mix some water atoms...
*goes to pitcher*

Elwyn_Centauri's cupboard

Post 57

Kat - From H2G2

*Katriana looks startled but at the same time can't help her own curiosity and starts tapping different areas of the woven air*

It's got weak spots. What do you need the water for?

Elwyn_Centauri's cupboard

Post 58

Elwyn_Centauri, geAt (O+ THS)

Everything is harmonic. Balances in chaos. The rules of Alchemy remains.
*Elwyn takes up lecturing voice and the pitcher*
One of which is that every property retains its positive and negative energies. These charge and change the substance, making what it is.
I can use the negative from the water to weaken the rigidness, and the others to fill the weak spot and strengthen the wind.
*gives the pitcher to Katriana and nods encouraging*
Pour some on your leg smiley - evilgrin

Elwyn_Centauri's cupboard

Post 59

Elwyn_Centauri, geAt (O+ THS)

Scandrea the Healer's back. I could sense her in the Healing Hall.
*crooks her head*
I wouldn't like to keep you from your training. I can pursue this matter more in depth, then tell you how it goes. You can learn, but...
Katriana, would you like to see your Master Healer now?

Elwyn_Centauri's cupboard

Post 60

Elwyn_Centauri, geAt (O+ THS)

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