A Conversation for The Virtual Supporters' Club
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VSC: I would like to join
Number Six Posted Oct 15, 2006
And if you haven't already, then I'd recommend subscribing to the main VSC page so conversations like this one will automatically crop up on your space...
VSC: I would like to join
Br. Megachedda-I've found my apostrophe key!!! Posted Oct 15, 2006
Don`t worry i already have
VSC: I would like to join
toffees1888 (Irish evertonian of TBBCOE) Posted Oct 16, 2006
I'd like to join the VSC. As you've probably guessed from my name I'm an Everton fan.
Number 17 shirt please.
VSC: I would like to join
Br. Megachedda-I've found my apostrophe key!!! Posted Oct 16, 2006
I really enjoyed watching the everton match yesterday.
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VSC: I would like to join
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