A Conversation for The Virtual Supporters' Club

VSC: I would like to join

Post 1


Hi, I would like to join and have sqaud numer 12 please.

I support Plymouth Argyle and Liverpool and I heard about the VSC from Ferrettbadger.

VSC: I would like to join

Post 2

Mu Beta

Hey up, another one.

Where are all these Plymouth fans coming from?


VSC: I would like to join

Post 3

Ferrettbadger. The Renegade Master

I have been trying to drum up some hootoo support from my mates smiley - winkeye!

VSC: I would like to join

Post 4

Ferrettbadger. The Renegade Master

I am just showing how to use everything right now.

VSC: I would like to join

Post 5

Mu Beta

Well, make sure you point out all the important bits:

My User Space
Phantasy Phootball
H2G2 Researcher Code
Billy Joel project

etc etc
smiley - winkeye


VSC: I would like to join

Post 6

Number Six

Well, I'm saying nowt... except that it's rather appropriate that a member of the Green Army should get the number 12 shirt.

Welcome, yakusmaximus.

smiley - cheers

smiley - mod

PS - if he's not shown you them already, you might like A954209 and A954911.

VSC: I would like to join

Post 7

Mu Beta

Anyone else got an entry to hawk? smiley - winkeye


VSC: I would like to join

Post 8

Number Six

If anyone would like to explain the h2g2 researcher code to me - either how it works, what it means or what the point of it is - I'd love to hear it. I've never actually dared to ask before what it's all about.

smiley - mod

VSC: I would like to join

Post 9


Welcome on board, Yakusmaximus. The number 12 shirt is all yours! smiley - oksmiley - football

VSC: I would like to join

Post 10

Otto Fisch ("Stop analysing Strava.... and cut your hedge")

"Where are all these Plymouth fans coming from?"

Probably from Plym... oh, I cna't be bothered...

Welcome! smiley - smiley

VSC: I would like to join

Post 11

Number Six

Yeah, but I'm from Staffordshire, me smiley - smiley

smiley - mod

VSC: I would like to join

Post 12

Br. Megachedda-I've found my apostrophe key!!!

Can i join? I`m a Boro fan

VSC: I would like to join

Post 13

Mu Beta

Think you've just answered your own question there. smiley - rofl


VSC: I would like to join

Post 14

Br. Megachedda-I've found my apostrophe key!!!

smiley - wah

VSC: I would like to join

Post 15

Br. Megachedda-I've found my apostrophe key!!!

Come on let me in i`ll keep you posted on how badly were doing

VSC: I would like to join

Post 16

Mu Beta

We've got a Leeds fan to do that. smiley - biggrin

I'm sure you're quite welcome. smiley - cheers


VSC: I would like to join

Post 17

Br. Megachedda-I've found my apostrophe key!!!


VSC: I would like to join

Post 18

Br. Megachedda-I've found my apostrophe key!!!

What do i do know?

VSC: I would like to join

Post 19


smiley - doh Sorry, Megachedda - I've only just noticed your postings in this thread, mainly because they were made when my home Internet connection was on the blink. Anyway, welcome to the Virtual Supporters' Club - I've given you squad number 32! What you do now is join in as much of the footie chat on the VSC page as you like and enjoy the range of smiley - football links on the page. Welcome on board! smiley - footballsmiley - ok

VSC: I would like to join

Post 20

Br. Megachedda-I've found my apostrophe key!!!

Yaysmiley - bubbly

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