A Conversation for The Virtual Supporters' Club

VSC: Farce in the South West

Post 1

Number Six


If they don't watch themselves, 'local' 'derbies' with Truro City could be much closer than they think...

smiley - mod

VSC: Farce in the South West

Post 2


Truro has a football team? smiley - bigeyes

VSC: Farce in the South West

Post 3

Number Six

They're setting themselves up as a sort of Cornish Real Madrid. First team since Falmouth left the Western League back in the 80s to stick their heads above the parapet of the Cornish League and enter the non-league pyramid. They're having a serious crack at getting in the league - they've got money behind them and everything, and have a lot of ex-Argyle players on the books now. Won the FA Vase 3-1 the other week.

And I think they won their league by a country mile, whatever level it was.

smiley - mod

VSC: Farce in the South West

Post 4


So they are, yes. A most impressive website for a club so far down the league structure. smiley - ok

And you're right, they did win by a mile, and look to be promoted to the Premier Division of the Toolstation Western League (that's level 9 in the pyramid apparently) --> http://football.mitoo.co.uk/LeagueTab.cfm?TblName=Matches&DivisionID=1991&LeagueCode=SDWFL2006

Coincidentally my home town of Minehead has finished bottom of the same division and it looks like they are going down. So much for the heady days of the late 1970s when we finished 2nd in the Southern League behind Wimbledon - yes, that Wimbledon - and progressed to the second round proper of the FA Cup.

VSC: Farce in the South West

Post 5

Demon Drawer

Will never be my local derby no matter how big they get smiley - winkeye

VSC: Farce in the South West

Post 6

Ferrettbadger. The Renegade Master

Crikey, mental for Torquay.

I must say except when we are playing them I have always had a kinda soft spot for "Turkey"..... Usually wanting them to do well (at least better than Exeter anyhow) and I must say there demise has brought me no pleasure (exeter.... hah hah hah).

Would be good for a Cornish club to get their or their abouts, in the Conference at least.

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