A Conversation for The Virtual Supporters' Club
VSC: Leeches
Number Six Started conversation Sep 10, 2006
I'm not a violent man by any means, nor (as GD will confirm) am I of a size or physique particularly suited to having a rumble. But I am occasionally tempted to go out and buy one of those illegal firearms that the newspapers tell us are all too easily available these days, and wipe out certain people for the good of the rest of the world. A lifetime in prison would almost be compensation for the public debate and possible changes to the way of the world that the ensuing court case would generate.
This is one of those days.
VSC: Leeches
Secretly Not Here Any More Posted Sep 10, 2006
I'd voice my opinions on agents after what Bernie Mandic and Harry Kewell did to us, but unfortunately the swear filter won't let me.
It's diabolical that they're planning to "control" all "emerging talent". Absoloutely diabolical.
VSC: Leeches
The Nitpicker Posted Sep 10, 2006
I don't really understand what "agents" are needed for in football at all! The combination of advice from the PFA and a good contract lawyer can do everything an agent can and is nothing like as expensive!
"Agents" have caused my club quite a bit of grief in the past - lets face it Anelka could probably have won every competition in football if his "agents" (alias greedy brothers) hadn't poked their noses in! Cashley could have avoided a lot of grief (past and future) too.
VSC: Leeches
Otto Fisch ("Stop analysing Strava.... and cut your hedge") Posted Sep 11, 2006
Apparently there's a Panorama programme about agents and managers due to be screened in the next few weeks. I'll be interested to see if they pick up on the various goings on around the Rooney transfer....
VSC: Leeches
McKay The Disorganised Posted Sep 14, 2006
Isn't there an investigation about agents and back-handers after wossisname at Luton started shouting ?
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VSC: Leeches
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