A Conversation for The Virtual Supporters' Club
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VSC: Sunderland close to top-class manager
Primeval Mudd (formerly Roymondo) Posted Aug 31, 2006
Ach, I feel spurned by you people. Can't say i blame you.
Anyway, i just read this and find it quite amusing:
VSC: Sunderland close to top-class manager
Number Six Posted Aug 31, 2006
I agree.
1) "He says he's approachable."
2) "He's not going to join in training, which is probably good news for us."
VSC: Sunderland close to top-class manager
Primeval Mudd (formerly Roymondo) Posted Aug 31, 2006
And we've signed Dwight Yorke. I have to wonder if there's an element of 'jobs for the boys' crfeeping in here...
VSC: Sunderland close to top-class manager
Mu Beta Posted Aug 31, 2006
"2) "He's not going to join in training, which is probably good news for us."
Might be good news for the physio, leastways.
VSC: Sunderland close to top-class manager
Primeval Mudd (formerly Roymondo) Posted Sep 13, 2006
You know those things on the end of a bit of string? Bobo? ToTo? Ah, no it's a Yo-yo. That's the life of an SAFC supporter.
Still, I'm a happy bunny right now.
That team must be *really* scared of losing...
VSC: Sunderland close to top-class manager
Primeval Mudd (formerly Roymondo) Posted Sep 13, 2006
I wasn't previously aware of Psycorp's affliction. I'll try not to gloat.
VSC: Sunderland close to top-class manager
Secretly Not Here Any More Posted Sep 13, 2006
One of the words sounds like fork, another like cough. But without the c sound.
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VSC: Sunderland close to top-class manager
- 21: Primeval Mudd (formerly Roymondo) (Aug 31, 2006)
- 22: Number Six (Aug 31, 2006)
- 23: Primeval Mudd (formerly Roymondo) (Aug 31, 2006)
- 24: Mu Beta (Aug 31, 2006)
- 25: Primeval Mudd (formerly Roymondo) (Sep 13, 2006)
- 26: Mu Beta (Sep 13, 2006)
- 27: Primeval Mudd (formerly Roymondo) (Sep 13, 2006)
- 28: Secretly Not Here Any More (Sep 13, 2006)
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