A Conversation for The French Manicure

Peer Review: A2399718 - The French Manicure

Post 1

Witty Ditty

Entry: The French Manicure - A2399718
Author: Witty Ditty: I love horses - best of all the animals... I love horses - they're my friends! - U173978

There wasn't one about this particular topic in the Guide, so here's a gap filler.

Any comments, as always, gratefully received.

Stay smiley - cool,

A2399718 - The French Manicure

Post 2

There is only one thing worse than being Gosho, and that is not being Gosho

Great entry WD - clear and concise smiley - ok

My one criticism is that it assumes a level of knowledge about manicures that I don't (and other readers may not) possess. An explanation of what an orange stick is and what it means to push the cuticles back for instance (either in the entry or as footnotes), wouldn't go amiss.

Do you think it's enough to just say 'shape your nails'? Not knowing anything about such things, I wouldn't know what shape to make them if I wanted to try this out. Elongated or round?

It doesn't need to explain everything in the way that you'd explain it to a young child, but I wouldn't be able to give myself a French manicure from this entry withoiut a little more information.

And one typo - ising (using)

smiley - geeksmiley - online2longsmiley - stiffdrinksmiley - hangoversmiley - ok
Back in the saddle again smiley - pony

A2399718 - The French Manicure

Post 3

Witty Ditty

Woo - someone liked it!

Ah - I wrote this somewhat quickly, hence the lack of cuticle explaination - I won't give a detailed anatomy of the hand, but I'll cook something up.

It's a bit difficult to explain an 'orange stick' without a piccy, but I'll google image search for it and find something smiley - smiley

As to how to shape your nails - the problem is that it is very individual - some people look good with rounded, others looks better with square. So I deliberately left it to 'shape your nails' to leave it up to the reader as to what looked best re: their own nails.

I'll sort that typo out (gets typo hunting gun...)

Thanks for your comments - any further comments will be gratefully received.

Stay smiley - cool,

A2399718 - The French Manicure

Post 4

Witty Ditty

Righty - changes made:

>Corrected that typo
>Added links to pictures of the fingertip and how to push cuticles back

I'm not going to write anything in the entry about how best to shape your nails, as that is very individual.

Any further comments, as always, gratefully received.

Stay smiley - cool,

ps: it's been a year since my last edited entry - crikey.

A2399718 - The French Manicure

Post 5


Crikey indeed. I was just wondering if in the introductory paragraph you shuld include a description of what a French manicure looks like?

I'm also tempted to say that anyone who would attempt to do this would probably already be familar with all the terms used already!

A2399718 - The French Manicure

Post 6

There is only one thing worse than being Gosho, and that is not being Gosho

And I'm tempted to say that's quite a generalisation smiley - nahnah

smiley - run

A2399718 - The French Manicure

Post 7

Witty Ditty

Hiya Z!

Well - on a quick scan of google image search - the only examples I can find are of false nails done in a french manicure fashion - not what I'm really after.

Ah! I love stock photograpy... I've now put a photo in which what looks like natural nails have been given the french manicure...

Any more comments - all gratefully received smiley - smiley

Stay smiley - cool,

A2399718 - The French Manicure

Post 8

Sea Change

Your method section contains a lint free towel that is not in your equipment list. Warm water is not included either. How warm? In a special bowl or in the sink? Madge soaked her clients in Palmolive, was this just a gag?

I thought from the phrasing, that there was a specific shape that you needed to do when you 'shape your nails'. Perhaps write it a different way to suggest that this is the point in the procedure where you could modify or smooth the shape of the nail in a way that pleases you?

A2399718 - The French Manicure

Post 9

Witty Ditty

Hi there!

Sorry about the delay in replying - but I've made some changes:

> Made additions to the equipment list
> Added a bit to the 'shaping nails' section (thanks Sea Change for the wording suggestion smiley - smiley )

Sea Change:
I didn't know that Marge did that - I do know that in salons, the preferred soaking medium is almond oil, but to use that at home, I think you need a special dish to warm it in smiley - erm

Having never been to a nail-bar, I can only testify my ignorance to what is actually being used - however, the general suggestion for home manicures from what I can gather on the interweb is hand-warm water, followed by hand cream.

Thank you for your comments. Any further comments will be, as always, gratefully received.

Stay smiley - cool,

A2399718 - The French Manicure

Post 10


I'd never realised that painting your nails could be such a complex operation...

This is clearer now - good effort!


A2399718 - The French Manicure

Post 11

Witty Ditty

Cheers for reading! Glad you liked it.

Any further comments, as always, will be gratefully received.

Stay smiley - cool,

A2399718 - The French Manicure

Post 12

There is only one thing worse than being Gosho, and that is not being Gosho

When I tried to access the link in footnote 1 I got a '403 Forbidden' error message smiley - erm I've never been comfortable with the idea of links in footnotes because some browsers (Mozilla and Opera for instance) make it unnecessary to go down to the footnote itself - they will open the footnote in a sort of alt.text box if you mouse over the footnote number in the entry, but it won't show that there's a link, nor will you be able to click on it. In the case of footnote 1 the text tells you that there's a link, but footnote six doesn't give that same hint.

"If you have nail polish currently on your nails"
Is that a spilt infinitive... or something like it? It feels like it should be 'If you currently have nail polish on your nails'. And it need to be made clear that it's 'nail' polish, or can we assume that - 'If you currently have polish on your nails'. In fact, looking at that again, maybe 'currently' is the wrong word altogether. How about 'If you already have polish on your nails'?

A2399718 - The French Manicure

Post 13

There is only one thing worse than being Gosho, and that is not being Gosho

'And *does* it need to be made clear...' smiley - flustered

A2399718 - The French Manicure

Post 14

Witty Ditty

Ah - well, I'll have to try to find another picture smiley - erm

I know what you mean about the 'alt-text' thing - I use Firefox (after I got hit by a barrage of nasty random pop-up syndrome smiley - erm ). I'll see what I can do.

I'll make the changes over the next couple of days - I have a supervisor meeting tomorrow (hence none of this today...), and I've had a request to take the good ole' GR out of SSO limbo - so, if you bear with me, changes will be made if and when smiley - smiley

In the meantime - any further comments will be, as always, gratefully received.

Stay smiley - cool,

A2399718 - The French Manicure

Post 15

There is only one thing worse than being Gosho, and that is not being Gosho

Dang, I'd forgotten all about the Reaper, and with spate of 'Bus Shelter' entries currently residing in PR his services may well be required soon smiley - tongueout

A2399718 - The French Manicure

Post 16

Sea Change

I though Cyzaki earned Scout-hood through being a Grim Reaper-like shepherd of PR. Is Cyzaki no longer in the building?

A2399718 - The French Manicure

Post 17

Sea Change

I like the way the article is now, and I am especially fond of the eponychium link.

The link in footnote 1 doesn't seem to work for me, either. Perhaps add a little more on what it should look like?

A2399718 - The French Manicure

Post 18


What? Who? Me? I'm still here, why?

smiley - panda

OT Grim Reaper

Post 19

Sea Change

Before you came along, it wasn't the specific duty (and still isn't) of any particular Scout to keep PR clean. (Excellent work on this, and much kudoes BTW). A personality called the Grim Reaper was created to allow the Researchers to help with this unwanted task, at-large and ad-hoc.

Some posters on this thread are thinking about logging on as It to do some clean up, which hasn't been necessary since you joined. I haven't seen PR in about a week and a half, so maybe it's especially cluttered right now. I will go and have a look, and maybe propose a Reap for some entries.

OT Grim Reaper

Post 20

Witty Ditty

Right - changes ahoy!

>got a working link for the one in the first footnote.

Any further comments, as always, gratefully received.

Stay smiley - cool,

ps: I've put the Reaper through SSO - so it should be open again for use.

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