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Peer Review: A2394597 - Drum Practice Pads

Post 1


Entry: Drum Practice Pads - A2394597
Author: Niwt - U162817

All right, it's a bit silly, I know, but I think it's important enough to be here.

Niwt smiley - cheers

A2394597 - Drum Practice Pads

Post 2


Of course it is... What would the world be like without practise pads? smiley - cheers

Electronic drum kits - is there a distinction between those used for practice and those used on stage? From your entry it would seem there is (as electronic kits are only referred to as practice drums), but it was my (rather uninformed) understanding that it was the same thing, only with the volume cranked up a bit smiley - huh

And a *very* minor comment to footnote #3, I believe I've come across some square pads as well...

Good job smiley - ok

~Bistro smiley - orangefish

A2394597 - Drum Practice Pads

Post 3


I seem to remember Mina asking about the electronic things as well. To tell you the truth, I'm not to sure. I know that some practice pads are electronic, and that's about it. smiley - erm

I thought they might come in other shapes than round or square, but I couldn't find a good way of fitting a third shape into the sentence. I shall try again.

Ok cool.

Niwt smiley - cheers

A2394597 - Drum Practice Pads

Post 4


Yay okay done the footnote thing. smiley - ok

A2394597 - Drum Practice Pads

Post 5

Ausnahmsweise, wie üblich (Consistently inconsistent)

Hi Niwt,

I've never used practice pads. Do they respond (bounce) like a real drum?


A2394597 - Drum Practice Pads

Post 6


Well, yeah, that's the general idea. I have used some that (to me) seem actually bouncier than a snare drum with snares on.

A2394597 - Drum Practice Pads

Post 7


What a great entry, Niwt! Something I'll be needing in the next couple of years when my son starts band - so far I have him convinced he wants to play drums, I hope he doesn't change his mind before then smiley - smiley

If you don't purchase a stand do the pads just sit on a table top? Is there a particular type of surface that's better or worse? Can they be used on a soft surface (like a carpet or a bed)?

A2394597 - Drum Practice Pads

Post 8

Jimi X

I think I've seen some drummers place practice pads over top of their snare drums too. Or do I have that all wrong? smiley - erm

Also, perhaps a little bit on care and maintenance might not go amiss...

How long do they last? Do you need to do anything special with them? I know I've seen kids pull them out of backpacks and unrolled them - it that advisable?

Basic stuff like that I reckon might help out us parents with kids interested in music...

But don't get the impression that I didn't love the entry! I thought it was well done and covered a rather interesting topic. So interesting that it made me want a bit more! smiley - smiley

smiley - cheers
- Jimi X

A2394597 - Drum Practice Pads

Post 9


Jimi - I believe the ones that go over the drums are called drum silencers and are slightly different. However, they may be worth a mention.

If the pad is made of a soft, rollable material, rolling it up to put in your backpack won't do any harm. There are special portable ones I might mention. smiley - ok

As the things are cheap and plastic, there isn't really much in the way of care and maintenance that can be said. Just don't do anything that looks like it might cause opvious damage, such as 'don't drop it from the Eiffel Tower' or 'don't drive a car over the top'. smiley - silly Is that worth mentioning?

Miloso - if you have no stand, your practice pad can go on top of anything - yes a table is a good idea. Anything at the right height basically. Obviously hard surfaces are better, but I have used mine on carpet and bed.

It's a bit hard to research it as I have found NOTHING about it on the web - nobody else considers it important enough to write about! Everything I've found is just general sales information. smiley - sadface

Niwt smiley - cheers

A2394597 - Drum Practice Pads

Post 10


Made some changes smiley - ok

A2394597 - Drum Practice Pads

Post 11

Mikey the Humming Mouse - A3938628 Learn More About the Edited Guide!

Mikey likes it!

smiley - cheers

A2394597 - Drum Practice Pads

Post 12

Ausnahmsweise, wie üblich (Consistently inconsistent)

Mikey seems to like it a lot smiley - winkeye

A2394597 - Drum Practice Pads

Post 13

Mikey the Humming Mouse - A3938628 Learn More About the Edited Guide!

What, me? smiley - somersault

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Post 15


Yay! Thanks very much guys! smiley - biggrin

Congratulations - Your Entry has been Picked for the Edited Guide!

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Mikey the Humming Mouse - A3938628 Learn More About the Edited Guide!


smiley - mouse

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