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Writing Workshop: A2394597 - Drum Practice Pads

Post 1


Entry: Drum Practice Pads - A2394597
Author: Niwt - U162817

I need to find out what they're made from. smiley - ok

Apart from that, can anybody think of anything useful that could benefit this entry before it goes into PR? I don't think it's quite right at the moment, but there's not much more to say. smiley - erm

Niwt smiley - cheers

A2394597 - Drum Practice Pads

Post 2


Are these the same as drum machines?

A2394597 - Drum Practice Pads

Post 3


I forgot to add that two exclamation marks are two too many. smiley - winkeye

A2394597 - Drum Practice Pads

Post 4


Right OK smiley - erm

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Writing Workshop: A2394597 - Drum Practice Pads

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