A Conversation for Some stuff you probably didn't know you didn't know
Rt. Rev. Lesley Gentle Started conversation Nov 12, 2002
Americans on average eat 18 acres of pizza every day. - Is this true, an average American eats this much pizza?
Humans and dolphins are the only species that have sex for pleasure. - That is disgusting and I am guessing somewhat illegal.
Marilyn Monroe had six toes. - Really? It's a wonder she could stand up at all averaging a mere 3 toes on each foot.
You can't kill yourself by holding your breath. - If you were under water...
Dizzy the Void Posted Nov 13, 2002
1. No, all Americans total.
2. No, you fool, not with each other, within their own species.
3. I meant per foot.
4. Drowning is different from suffocation.
Rt. Rev. Lesley Gentle Posted Nov 14, 2002
1) You should then say America on average eats...
2) You might wish to say dolphins are the only species other than humans... otherwise it sounds inexorably bent
3) Did you mean that? Why didn't you just say it?
4) But you can kill yourself by holding your breath. Hold your breath under water, you pass out and drown. Hold your breath driving a car at 90mph and you pass out and crash and probably die, what with the firemen striking and all that kerfuffle.
Try not to take things so personally, I was merely trying to help your post which is otherwise quite concise and enlightening.
Dizzy the Void Posted Nov 15, 2002
1-3) Wow! I've found a living, breathing example of the axiom, "If common sense were all that common, we wouldn't even need to bring it up"! Congratulations!
4) Yes, but that requires that you be underwater and/or driving a car at 90 miles per hour and I didn't /say/ that.
Rt. Rev. Lesley Gentle Posted Nov 15, 2002
How badly do you take a little friendly comment? I could pick holes in quite a few of your facts if I were pedantic, I thought you might appreciate a pointer as to some inaccuracies and poorly worded points in your entry. I'm dreadfully sorry to have p****d on your parade, you seem to be extremely insecure about any constructive criticism and we wouldn't want you hanging yourself or something similarly ghastly.
Dizzy the Void Posted Nov 15, 2002
Dude, stop taking me so seriously! I'm trying to be a complete and utter wiseguy here.
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