A Conversation for Some stuff you probably didn't know you didn't know

Shortest sentence?

Post 1

Jimi X

I disagree with this statement 'I am is the shortest complete sentence in the English language'

Wouldn't it be 'Go!' since the verb 'you' is understood to be the subject?

smiley - cheers

Shortest sentence?

Post 2

Martin Harper

he did say *complete* sentence, though... smiley - winkeye Otherwise I'd be nominating a nod, which is no words long, as in:

"Are you ok?"

where "I am ok" is understood to be the subject, object, and verb... smiley - tongueout

Shortest sentence?

Post 3

Dizzy the Void


Shortest sentence?

Post 4

The Snockerty Friddle


Shortest sentence?

Post 5

The Snockerty Friddle

or should that be 'Who me?'

Shortest sentence?

Post 6

Dizzy the Void

Neither of them is complete sentences.

Shortest sentence?

Post 7


Surely it sould be 'Hi'

Astro-logica smiley - planet

Shortest sentence?

Post 8

Dizzy the Void

It's still not technically a complete sentence.

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