A Conversation for Smudger Snippets

speaking of wrong place at the wrong time

Post 1

Xarin Sliron currently into cheesecake

smiley - laugh not only do i always get stuck like those 2 because i'm in the wrong place at the wrong time but i also get left without the tools to do the thing with alot too

speaking of wrong place at the wrong time

Post 2


Ah! I see you found one of the earlier Snippets there smiley - winkeye
Aye! it was our oasis on that massive site, I am glad you liked itsmiley - ok

Sorry I never got back in touch earlier, but I have been busy installing a new version of Windows and had to back Everything up, then reinstall it smiley - sadface
smiley - cheersSmudger.

speaking of wrong place at the wrong time

Post 3

Xarin Sliron currently into cheesecake

sounds like funsmiley - winkeyesmiley - laugh

speaking of wrong place at the wrong time

Post 4


Not really, as it was a Trojan that caused the whole problem, I just could not get rid of itsmiley - erm
In the end we had wipe the whole hard drive, then reinstall Windows, and that involved backing up Everything then putting it all back insmiley - sadface
Moral of the story, Do Not Get a Trojan in your computersmiley - winkeye

smiley - cheersSmudger.

speaking of wrong place at the wrong time

Post 5

Xarin Sliron currently into cheesecake

moral of the story get stopsign firewall and virus scanner

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