A Conversation for Festive Hangover Cures
Ok, a hangover cure?
Afgncaap5 Started conversation Dec 27, 1999
Some say not getting drunk in the first place, but where's the fun in that? Anyway, here's what I recommend. You will need:
Four eggs.
tabasco sauce.
About twelve cups of all purpose flour.
Anyway, smash two eggs on your fore head. Now, crack two eggs and put them in a bowl. Drink some of the tabasco sauce, and pour the rest into the bowl with the cracked eggs. Drink some milk, eat some flour, and pour all you have left in the bowl. Pick up the bowl (you may want to do this next bit in a bathroom) and pour the contents on your head. Look in a mirror. Then, lather, rinse, repeat the entire process. Eventually, you will realize how incredibly stupid you are making yourself look. This always makes me snap out of a groggy state. You may have to do it more or less than most people. Some actually realize how dumb it is when they smash the first egg, but those are the people who bother reading the entire message before doing it.
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Ok, a hangover cure?
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