A Conversation for Funnies For the Winter Holidays
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chuckle loudly!!
Anonymouse Posted Nov 19, 2000
See shazz' bd party.. I must have read your mind.
*passes around bracing for the effects of *
chuckle loudly!!
Wowbagger Posted Dec 18, 2000
Hi Mousey Hi Monsy
I loved all the jokes - lotsa chuckles in there - My favourite has to be the politically correct Christmas message. Brings joy to my heart to see such thoughtfulness reduce something so sincere to something so bland.
Big to you both!
chuckle loudly!!
Argon0 (50 and feeling it - back for a bit) Posted Dec 18, 2000
Excellent! Just worked out (from your Last Post) how to do these new smilies!!!
Also thought the Martha Stewart one was V.good - not that I'm sure who she be. I imagine someone like a cross between Delia & Carole Smilie.
How about & Smileys?
chuckle loudly!!
Anonymouse Posted Jan 11, 2001
Well there is and
, but we do need .. There should be and too, and a host of others.. I still don't know how they forgot
but included
I don't recognize either of those names, but I'm sure the style speaks for itself.
chuckle loudly!!
Argon0 (50 and feeling it - back for a bit) Posted Aug 11, 2011
If the designers need a round tuit I've got one lying around here somewhere....
Key: Complain about this post
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chuckle loudly!!
- 21: Anonymouse (Nov 19, 2000)
- 22: Wowbagger (Dec 18, 2000)
- 23: Argon0 (50 and feeling it - back for a bit) (Dec 18, 2000)
- 24: Anonymouse (Jan 11, 2001)
- 25: Anonymouse (Jan 15, 2001)
- 26: Anonymouse (Jan 7, 2009)
- 27: Anonymouse (Dec 6, 2010)
- 28: Bluebottle (Dec 6, 2010)
- 29: Anonymouse (Dec 6, 2010)
- 30: msmonsy (Aug 3, 2011)
- 31: Argon0 (50 and feeling it - back for a bit) (Aug 11, 2011)
- 32: msmonsy (Aug 12, 2011)
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