A Conversation for Vampire the Masquerade

Requiem City

Post 101

Tavaron da Quirm - Arts Editor

*After a long walk in the city, Elisabeth comes home. She opens the gate to the garden and looks around - yes, the garden will get changed, too. Then she opens the door to her house. It's not big, she's not one of *those*. It has everything she needs, not more.*

*Elisabeth takes off her boots and puts them on the old stone floor in the hallway. She walks into the kitchen for a glass of water. It's a small kitchen with wooden cupboards and an old table which she brought with her. The chairs don't fit together, but she likes that. They are old, too. Bought on flea markets.*

*While drinking her water she walks into the living room and library. Bookshelfs cover most of the walls. Some are filled already, but there are still boxes with books standing on the floor. Elisabeth sits down on her sofa and turns on the TV. She doesn't want to go to bed yet. She thinks about what has happened so far.*

*Somehow she doesn't feel like she belongs into this city. Maybe the feeling will change. People seem to be different here. Everyone seems to be so easily excited. The problems existed before. Everyone will cope. Or won't they? She isn't sure. And what is it about the prince and his cousin? Is it really his cousin? Or just his... well... how does one call a woman like that? She seems to be absolutely dependant on him, while he already has an eye on this Alicia.*

You can do everything with wome, eh, you prince?</>

*Elisabeth makes a face. Then she slowly starts to concentrate on what's going on in TV.*

Requiem City

Post 102


*easily bats away the hand*

Don't embarrass yourself child

Requiem City

Post 103


Just releave me of my service to you and the happier we both shall be.

Requiem City

Post 104



*turns away in disgust*

If you are not filled with a Camarilla urge to protect this City and our Prince from the Sabbat threat then I have no use for a weakling like you.

Requiem City

Post 105


*to wormwood's back*

I will protect the Prince with my undead life, it is being under your power that I have a problem with.

I will not fail again</>

*composing himself*

What do you wish of me, Wormwood?

Requiem City

Post 106


*turns back*

Well first off I will not have a subordinate who is so disrespectful; I could rip out your unbeating heart where you stand, boy.

If you truly wish to serve the Prince then knuckle down, we have work to do

Requiem City

Post 107


So, first things first?

Requiem City

Post 108


I must go and confer with my bretheren...you may be better suited to going back to Elysium and keeping close to the Lady Lowell, she hides some secrets...and I feel sure she has heard of this Victor before

Requiem City

Post 109


*slightly inclines head*

I will see what I can get out of her, by any means.

*turns to head back*

Requiem City

Post 110


*as soon as Dante is out of sight William drops into the sewers*

Requiem City

Post 111

Tijerius aka Deep - Prince of Requiem City

<smiley - book>

Requiem City

Post 112

Tavaron da Quirm - Arts Editor

*Elisabeth puts the last two books into place 'Vampires in Ice Age - our ancestors' and the disputed work 'Alien Vampires - Do we come from outer space?'. She claps her hands, smiles and looks at all she has done. It's a real living room now. Bookshelfs, sofa, a small antique table and even a fireplace - one of the reasons why she took this house. She has decorated the room with little things she gathered over the centuries: candleholders, statues, pictures, etc*

*Elisabeth opens the doors to the terrace and walks outside to look up at the sky. Vampires in space... she would like to be up there some day. The first vampire in space... now that would be something. She chuckles about her own thoughts and turns her attention to the garden. Much has to be done there. Elisabeth wants of course flowers which smell and bloom during the night, but not only such flowers, because that could be suspicious.*

*After a while she walks inside again, closes the terrace door and a few minutes later leaves the house through the front door. She sighs, walks inside again and gets her handbag, then finally leaves, wearing jeans, a blouse and high heeled boots - with a knife inside, but noone has to know that.*

Requiem City

Post 113

Gemini the elder

*watches this woman from the shadows*

~~My Lady?~~

Requiem City

Post 114

Tavaron da Quirm - Arts Editor

*Elisabeth stops and looks around, she seems to see someone hiding in the shadow of some bushes*

~~Who are you and what are you doing in my head?~~

Requiem City

Post 115

Gemini the elder

*pulls the shadow around himself, he shadow-steps to another location, completely shrouded in darkness*

~~I am a loyal citizen of this city, my lady, as are you. I merely wished an alliegence to better serve our erstwhile Prince~~

Requiem City

Post 116

Tavaron da Quirm - Arts Editor

*Elisabeth frowns at the shadows. She cannot see anything anymore, but doesn't doubt that whoever it is is still there*

~~Did noone ever tell you, that it is respectless to sneak into other people's heads without telling who you are?~~

*she leans against a lamppost and stands in the bright light, looking over to the one who hides in the shadows*

~~Now, what do you want? Serving the prince... yes, fine... if I believe you... hiding does not make you very trustworthy, you know? How shall I know that you are not one of *them*?~~

Requiem City

Post 117

Gemini the elder

*Victor steps out of the shadows, he is very tall but well built. He has dark hair cropped short and deep brown eyes. He is wearing a smart black suit that has clearly been tailored made especially for him.*

One of them?

Requiem City

Post 118

Tavaron da Quirm - Arts Editor

*Elisabeth watches Victor - not bad looking, she decides, but what does that say*

Good. Now we can talk.

*she steps away from the lamp and towards Victor*

The Sabbat, you know.

*she walks around Victor, looking him up and down*

May it be that you are one of them?

Requiem City

Post 119

Gemini the elder

If I were, then what?

*his face gives nothing away*

Requiem City

Post 120

Tavaron da Quirm - Arts Editor

*Elisabeth shrugs*

Oh, I don't know. We could give each other a hug and promise to play nice?

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