A Conversation for Vampire the Masquerade

Requiem City

Post 61

Gemini the elder

*Victor suddenly drops his hold of Lowell, he cries out in pain and backs away*

Fine, brother, you win this time.

*he runs off down the street*

~~Take it to Elysium, Alicia, and present it to the Prince with my compliments~~

Requiem City

Post 62

Tijerius aka Deep - Prince of Requiem City

*the Prince is holding a sword made of shadow in one hand, this is definitly not a clan Ventrue trait, but as it was only Lowell around he felt safe to use it*

Are you alright, cousin?

Requiem City

Post 63

Dr Anthea - ah who needs to learn things... just google it!

*walks from the steelworks to the elysium*

Requiem City

Post 64

lil ~ Auntie Giggles with added login ~ returned

*tears well in her eyes*

.. Yes.. yes, I'm fine..

*she leans against the wall as she catches her breath*

.. I thought you'd gone..

*she bends to retrieve a diamond pin near her feet*..

Is this yours?

Requiem City

Post 65

Tijerius aka Deep - Prince of Requiem City

*looks at the pin*

No, it's his...come cousin, we had best go back to Elysium. We will talk more there

*in an unusually gallant gesture he offers her his arm to lean on*

Requiem City

Post 66

Tavaron da Quirm - Arts Editor

*Elisabeth frowns again. It seems to be safe to watch them. That's good. But waht she saw doesn't seem to be good. She remains sitting behind the bush. She knows where they will go. Maybe she will follow.*

Requiem City

Post 67

lil ~ Auntie Giggles with added login ~ returned

*She thinks of ignoring the gesture.. but she is too shaken by what has just taken place*

*Lowell hooks her arm through his*

Okay, cousin.. a truce for now. Don't you get used to this..

*she smiles a genuine smile at him*

Requiem City

Post 68

Tijerius aka Deep - Prince of Requiem City

Wouldn't dream of it

*bares his fangs in an amused smile*

*they set off towards Elysium, strolling down the streets*

Requiem City

Post 69

Tavaron da Quirm - Arts Editor

*Elisabeth sighs, gets up and brushes the dust off her clothes.*

The prince and his harem... or what do we have here? And strange boxes and strange people... now that will get fun.</>

*she looks around - no one there - so she also walks to the Elysium - making a detour so she isn't seen coming from the same direction.*

Requiem City

Post 70

Dr Anthea - ah who needs to learn things... just google it!

*walks through the city sulking slightly*

Requiem City

Post 71

Dr Anthea - ah who needs to learn things... just google it!

~~Victor ohh victor where can you be hiding...~~

Requiem City

Post 72

Tijerius aka Deep - Prince of Requiem City

Requiem City

Post 73

Gemini the elder

*Steps from the shadows*

Can I be of assistance?

Requiem City

Post 74

Dr Anthea - ah who needs to learn things... just google it!

you could have gotten me into trouble...
and i thought you were sweet you would't care if the prince had hung me out to dry for that little message of yours

Requiem City

Post 75

Gemini the elder

Of course not, but I know my dear brother wouldn't harm you...after all he's such a /good/Camarilla/Prince

Requiem City

Post 76

Dr Anthea - ah who needs to learn things... just google it!

i know very well I'm a plaything to your.....
Brother oh I see... that explains a few things

Requiem City

Post 77

Gemini the elder

Such as...?

Requiem City

Post 78

Dr Anthea - ah who needs to learn things... just google it!

well I didn't know you were brothers...
different clans i presume...
a little brotherly rivalry
perhaps you feel he has more than he should have
and you less?

Requiem City

Post 79

Gemini the elder

Oh no, not blood brother.....brothers of the same clan. Or didn't he tell you?

Requiem City

Post 80

Dr Anthea - ah who needs to learn things... just google it!

I know not his clan nor kin
will you be the one to let the cat out of her bag?

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